


    毕业论文关键词: 人脸检测,haar分类器,Adaboost,分类器训练,人眼定位

    Abstract Face detection in the beginning was used to support face recognition, which recognizing the face after detecting it.However, with a great change of related applications in recent years, face detection constitute a separate research topic.So far,causing much attention of the community and researchers.it has been widely used in human identity verification, face recognition, face recognition and video surveillance.

      Firstly, we introduce some common face detection algithms some details based on haar eigenvalues’Adaboost method, then outline eigenvalues, integral image, Cascade other related knowledge.Based on this algorithm trained cascaded strong classifier, face detection has good performance in accuracy and speed.However, the training takes a long time, and it depends on direction of the light, the strength of sensitive and when external environment is poor ,it will have a great drop on detection 

    Results. This thesis detail cascade classifier training process, and put forward a number of training problems and solutions, and finally to achieve a real-time face detection for the human eye positioning program, it can be used to achieve real-time systems face detection and the human eye positioning, and quickly find the human face appearing in the video.

    Keywords: Face Detection, Haar classifier, Adaboost, Classifier training, Eyes Location


    摘要 1

    Abstract 2

    目录 3

    1  绪论 4

    1.1 研究背景和意义 4

    1.2 研究现状 5

    2  常见人脸检测算法 6

    2.1 概述 6

    2.2 肤色区域分割与人脸验证方法[7] 6

    2.3 基干启发式模型的方法 6

    2.4 基于特征空间的方法[27] 6

    2.5 基于支持向量机的方法[32][33][34] 6

    2.6 基于人工神经网的方法[10] 7

     3  Haar分类器 7

    3.1 Haar-like特征 7

    3.2 积分图方法 8

    3.3 Adaboost算法 9

    3.3.1算法概述AdaBoost[14] 9


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