





    毕业论文关键词  图像配准、局部特征、SIFT、SURF、BRIEF等


    Title    The image local binary feature descriptor research   and application                                       

    Abstract In recent years, along with the development of science and technology, computer processing technology has been rapidly improved.Image matching algorithm continue to emerge. This article focuses on the matching algorithm based on local image features to achieve a fast, efficient and accurate match. The main work:

        First,most kinds of detectors and descriptors are described and summarized in a comprehensive way, and draw its performance,stability and binding properties and so on,to provide a theoretical basis to select the appropriate detector and descriptor for the registration algorithm.

        Second,I studied a fast and efficient SURF algorithm.SURF is computed on the integral image,uses several approximations,such as box filter in the process of establishment of scale space,fast Hessian in the process of detect key points,Haar wavelet when the descriptors are generated,and fast index in the process of similarity measures.Also I studied  BRIEF algorithm.The algorithm uses binary strings as an efficient feature point descriptor and uses the Hamming distance.the matching speed is very fast.BRIEF is a big step in image registration.

        Third,I carried out related experiments based on the two algorithms.As BRIEF algorithm does not have rotational invariance,scale invariance,not sensitive to noise,we will do BRIEF and SURF algorithm combined.SURF algorithm is used to take a point,so that makes BRIEF more favorable.

    Keywords  image registration、local features、SIFT、SURF、BRIEF 

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  选题意义 1

    1.2  图像配准概述 1

    1.3  图像配准原理 1

    1.4  图像配准方法 2

    1.5  国内外图像配准技术的研究现状和研究意义 5

    1.6  本论文主要内容 5

    2  图像局部特征 7

    2.1  概述 7

    2.2  特征点检测

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