


    毕业论文关键字  FTP  MFC  客户端  上传下载


    Title FTPclient        

    Abstract FTP is a protocol used to transfer files on the Internet. It is enacted in order that we can send each other files on the Internet file transfer standards, regulations on how to send files on the Internet. Through the FTP protocol, we can tell the FTP server on the Internet for file upload or download. 

    This design is an easy-to-use FTP client in order to achieve the goal through the analysis of the basic working principle of the FTP protocol and FTP data transmission principle, how to use VC + = tools FTP client to design, designed using VC + +6.0 programming tools and FTP service, and client design that enables the development of the FTP client.MFC to create a visual interface, making the interface more friendly, more convenient to use. Of user needs a clear system processes, the corresponding software environment to achieve a query, upload and download functions and related test. This design has a good feasibility, maintainability.

    Keywords  FTP  MFC  client  up and download  

    1  引言 1

    1.1  概述 1

    1.3  国内外研究现状 1

    1.4  本课题研究的意义 2

    1.5  本课题研究的方法 2

    2  理论基础及技术支持 3

    2.1  概述 3

    2.2  VS2010技术简介 3

    2.3  MFC框架 3

    2.4  FTP简介 6

    2.5  FTP工作模式 7

    2.6  Serv-U简介 10

    3  软件需求分析 12

    3.1  概述 12

    3.2  需要完成的目标 12

    3.3  功能需求 12

    3.4  环境需求 12

    4  系统总体设计 14

    4.1  设计目的 14

    4.2  系统总体设计结构 14

    5  系统详细设计 16

    5.1  FTP使用的函数 16

    5.2  界面设计 17

    5.3  主要模块设计 19

    5.4  各模块功能的具体实现

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