    摘  要:随着知识经济时代的到来,知识的更新速度越来越快。同时,移动通信技术与互联网技术的迅猛发展,让移动互联网成为现实。以手机、PDA等移动终端设备为标志的、基于移动通信技术与互联网技术的移动学习方式悄然兴起,移动学习以其随时随地进行学习的便利性,满足了人们终身学习的需求。技术的发展为其提供了充分的技术保障,但支持移动学习开展的移动学习资源却严重小足,移动学习资源的设计与开发是目前亟待解决的突出问题。移动学习网站作为移动学习资源的一种重要形式,可以在移动环境中支持实时在线学习、协作学习等功能,是当前开展移动学习比较合适的资源提供方式。关键词:移动学习;移动学习网站设计;教学设计;8688
    The Design And Implementation of Computer Network of Mobile Learning Website
    Abstract: With the advent of the era of knowledge economy, knowledge update speed faster and faster. At the same time, the rapid development of mobile communication technology and Internet technology, mobile Internet become a reality. Marked by mobile phone, PDA and other mobile terminal equipment, based on mobile communication technology and Internet technology of mobile learning style has emerged, mobile learning with study the convenience of anytime and anywhere, meet the needs of people and lifelong learning in learning. The development of the technology provided sufficient technical support, but support mobile learning in mobile learning resources is serious little foot, design and development of mobile learning resources is the prominent problems to be solved. Mobile learning website as an important form of mobile learning resources, can be in the mobile environment support real-time online learning, collaborative learning, and other functions, is the current to develop mobile learning more appropriate way of resources.
    Key Words:Mobile learning; Mobile learning website design; Instructional design
    目    录
    摘  要    1
    引言    2
    1.绪论    2
    1.1移动学习网站概述    2
    1.2移动学习网站建设的目的和意义    3
    1.3国内外发展现状    3
    2.移动网站建设相关技术    5
    2.1移动学习概述    5
    2.2基于短信的方式    6
    2.3面向连接的方式    6
    3.移动学习网站的设计模型    8
    3.1评价需求确定选题    8
    3.2移动学习网站的功能定位    8
    3.3移动学习网站的教学设计    9
    3.4移动学习网站的系统设计    9
    3.5系统开发    9
    3.6形成性评价    9
    3.7修改完善    10
    4.总结    10
    参考文献    11
    致谢    12
    1.    绪论
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