    关键词  聊天室、JavaScript、IIS
    Title        基于web的在线交流的设计与实现                  
    The 21st century is an era of networks; the penetration of the Internet has affected the traditional modes of communication. The Internet chat room system is the product of the computer network development; it is a Web-based application which is the most common and most accepted by the majority of Internet users. The Internet chat room system has a very wide range of applications of space; it plays an important role in promoting the development of its Internet, and has brought revolutionary changes to the people's means of communication. As a virtual community of information exchange places, the Chat room has a very wide use, almost applied to every area of people’s working and living such as: the exchange of information, file transfer, the sharing of resources and so on.
    This article discusses the design and implementation of integrity of the Internet chat room system. Firstly, this paper introduced the background and purpose of the system design and the technology that the present system used. Then gave the overall design of the system, including a pision of the module of the system, the design of the database, the configuration of the system development tools, and the design pattern analysis which is used by the achievement of the system, it also described the use of the various functional modules and the realization of the key functions in detail.

    Keywords  Chat、JavaScript、IIS
     目   次  

    1     引言1
    1.1问题的提出 .1
    2     关键技术分析3
    2.1 ASP技术的研究3
    2.2 JavaScript脚本语言分析5
    2.3 IIS组件分析5
    2.4 Access数据库分析8
    2.5 Dreamweaver 9
    2.6 Visual Studio 201010
    2.7本章小结 11
    3     需求分析和可行性分析11
    3.1 需求分析 11
    3.2 可行性分析13
    3.3 本章小结 14
    4    系统设计14
    4.3系统局域网发布 20
    4.4本章小结 21
    5 系统实现和关键代码22
    5.1 用户聊天模块实现22
    5.2 管理聊天室模块实现 25
    5.3 关键代码 30
    5.4 本章小结 38
    6 软件测试 39
    6.1 程序调试39
    6.2 网站测试40
    6.4系统安装 41
    结论 42
    致谢 43
    1    引言
    1.1    问题的提出
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