
    摘要随着信息技术在管理上越来越深入而广泛的应用,管理信息系统的实施在技术上已逐步成熟。家庭装修公司要高效地把装修过程有机地组织起来,就必须加强对公司内部各种资源的有效管理,建立与公司实际相匹配的管理信息系统。本文针对家庭装修行业的特点,设计和开发了基于B/S体系结构的家庭装修公司工程。本系统主要使用ASP.NET作为Web开发平台,C#为开发语言,以SQL SERVER为后台数据库进行连接。本文主要介绍了系统需求分析和系统设计的方法与过程,完成了界面设计,程序开发和数据库的设计,构建了一个集工程管理,客户服务,市场管理为一体的管理平台,以提高家装公司的管理效率。64527

    毕业论文关键词  管理信息系统  家庭装修  B/S体系结构


    Title  The design and implementation of project management system of the home decoration company 

    Abstract With the application of information technology more and more thorough and widespread in management, implementation of management information systems has gradually matured in technology. it is necessary for family decoration companies to strengthen the effective management of the company's internal resources and establish management information system which matches with the actual if they want to put the decoration process organically effectively. In this paper, according to the characteristics of the family decoration industry, design and development based on B/S architecture of home decoration engineering company. This system mainly uses ASP.NET Web as development platform, C# as development language, and SQL SERVER as the backstage database connection. At the same time, in order to improve the efficiency of management of the family decoration companies, this paper introduces the method and process of system demand analysis and system design, Accomplish the design of interface and database, finish the program development, building up a management platform which set project management, customer service, market management as a whole.

    Keywords  Management information system    Family decoration   B/S architecture

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 选题的背景和意义 1

    1.2 研究的目的和主要任务 1

    1.3 国内外发展现状 2

    1.4 开发的语言和工具 3

    2 系统分析 5

    2.1 需求分析 5

    2.2 可行性分析 6

    3 系统设计 7

    3.1 系统功能模块设计 7

    3.2 系统数据库设计 12

    3.3 系统界面设计 18

    4 功能模块详细设计 24

    4.1 登录模块设计 24

    4.2 装修预算模块设计 24

    4.3 合同信息管理模块设计

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  7. C#+sqlserver汽车4S店管理系统的设计+ER图

  8. 机器人摩擦焊机头设计

  9. 新生代农民工培训现状分析

  10. 公共服务均等化文献综述和参考文献

  11. 合肥老乡鸡连锁餐饮企业的经营策略探析

  12. 带式输送机技术英文文献和中文翻译

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  14. 圆柱绕流国内外研究现状

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