

    按照程序设计的方法实现这一动态路径规划系统,使用Visual Studio 2010作为前台界面开发,以SQL Server 2008数据库开发系统作为后台数据库支持,实现了输入、输出、路径规划、数据实时刷新等功能。本系统较为稳定,界面较为友好,有着宽广的应用前景。

    毕业论文关键词   动态  路径规划  Dijkstra  实时刷新


    Title    The Planning for the Dynamic Route of Taxi


    The past few years have witnessed a soaring development of vehicle navigation system and phone-based navigation system. People expect them to provide up-to-date information on traffic and save their time by planning travel route. The planning for dynamic route in the example of taxi is set to fulfill this target. By using up-to-date traffic flow as its data and Dijkstra, the most widely applied algorithm in vehicle navigation system, as its algorithm, it dynamically and reasonably picks out routes for taxi drivers so as to achieve their task on passenger volume, increase passenger flow and eventually reap better revenue.

    By the method of programming, the system adopts Visual Studio 2010 as its foreground development and SQL Server 2008, a system for database development, as its background database support, which realizes the function of real-time data refresh in input, output, as well as route planning. With an user-friendly interface, the system is relatively stable therefore has a broad application prospect.

    Keywords   Dynamic  Route planning  Dijkstra  real-time refresh

    目    录

    1  引言 1

    1.1  课题研究内容 1

    1.2  课题研发的意义 2

    2  路径规划算法 3

    2.1  路径规划算法 3

    2.2  动态路径规划 5

    2.3  算法比较 6

    2.4  算法的应用及前景 7

    2.4.1  GPS导航系统 7

    2.4.2  路径规划算法的应用 7

    2.4.3  发展前景 8

    3  开发工具和运行环境配置 9

    3.1  开发工具 9

    3.1.1  Visual Studio 2010 9

    3.1.2  SQL Server 2008 R2数据库 10  SQL Server 2008 R2 11

    3.2  环境配置 11

    4  系统总体设计 13

    4.1  需求分析 13

    4.2  可行性分析 13

    4.3 系统总体设计结构 13

    4.3.1  系统结构流程图

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