
    摘 要:由于在城市化过程中,建设用地不断地往外扩张,这种扩张不但关系着城市本身的发展,也对城市所属的环境产生巨大的作用。所以,城市扩展成了当下研究的主要热点之一。本文以淮安市主城区作为研究区,基于1995年、2000年、2006年和2009年四期TM遥感影像,采用非监督分类法提取淮安市主城区的建设用地,并利用转移矩阵、紧凑度指数和叠置分析对主城区的空间扩张形态和扩展方向进行分析。分析结果表明:(1)淮安市的建设用地不断增加,主要集中在2000年到2009年这段时间,其中转变成了建设用地的主要是耕地;(2)在紧凑度上,淮安市主城区表现出先下降后上升的过程;(3)在扩展方向上,主城四区表现出多向拓展的趋势。66538


    Abstract: Due to the construction land expanding outward constantly in the process of urbanization, this expansion is not only related to the development of the city itself, but also has a great impact on the environment of the city. So, the urban expansion becomes one of the main hot issues in the current study. This paper takes Huai'an City as the study area, based on 1995,2000,2006 and 2009 four TM remote sensing images, using unsupervised classification method to extract construction land of the main city of Huai'an, and uses the transfer matrix, the compact index and overlay analysis to analysis spatial expansion morphology and expansion direction of the main city. The analysis results show that the construction land of Huaian has been increasing, and mainly concentrated in 2000 to 2009,which turned into construction land was mainly farmland. In the compactness degree, the urban area of Huai'an City showed the process of falling first and then increasing. In the expansion direction, the main city with four districts showed a tendency of multi-directional development.

    Keywords: Huai'an master city, unsupervised classification, RS, GIS, urban expansion

    目   录

    1  前  言 4

    2  研究区概况 4

    3  数据源 5

    4  研究方法 5

    4.1  研究思路 6

    4.2  数据预处理 6

    4.3  土地利用分类 8

    4.4  城区的提取 9

    4.5  空间分析方法 9

    5  结果分析 10

    5.1  土地利用类型转化分析 11

    5.2  空间形态分析 13

    5.3  方向性扩展分析 14

    结论 17

    参考文献 18

    致谢 19

    1  前  言


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