
    摘 要:现代社会随着计算机技术和通信技术的发展,网络的规模与元素也在不断丰富增加。利用网络,我们可以实现通信、售卖、收购、宣传等目的,其已然成为当今社会信息组成不可缺少的一部分。66810


    本网站作为一个基于ASP的宣传镇江旅游文化的动态网站,采用C#语言,在Visual Studio 2010环境下开发,后台数据库使用Microsoft SQL Server 2008设计,主要包括新闻模块、景点模块、美食模块、以及论坛模块等。网站设计过程中,先是建立网站的结构框架,在此基础上进行数据库设计,然后就是详细设计阶段,测试阶段,最后形成达到设计要求的可行性网站。


    Abstract:With the development of computer technology and communication technology, the scale of the network and element are rich and also increasing. Using the Internet, we can achieve purpose such as communication, sale, purchase, publicity. It has become an indispensable part of today's society of information. 

        Zhenjiang is a beautiful city that makes you jealous. In order to promote Zhenjiang’s landscape, culture, food, history and culture, this website thus creating at the historic moment. 

    This web site based on ASP to promote Zhenjiang’s tourism culture. It uses c # language and is in the Visual Studio 2010 environment development. Its back-end database uses Microsoft SQL Server 2008. This website mainly includes news module, attractions module, food module, and BBS module, etc. In the website design process, creating its framework is first. Designing the database is second. And then pay attention to the detail. The last is to test the site. After all steps, this website will be able to be used.

    Keywords:Website, Zhenjiang, travel, ASP, C#, SQL

    目   录  

    摘 要: 3

    1 引言 6

    1.1  ASP 的特点 6

    1.2  ASP页面的结构 6

    1.3  ASP访问数据库的原理 6

    1.4  ASP的运行环境 7

    2  网站分析与总体设计 7

    2.1  前台功能 7

    2.2  后台管理 7

    3  网站数据库结构设计与实现 8

    3.1  创建数据库 8

    3.2  数据库结构分析设计 8

    4  网站前台界面 13

    4.1  母版页设计 13

    4.2  网站首页 14

    4.3  景点模块 17

    4.4  论坛模块 17

    4.5  排行榜模块 18

    5  网站后台界面 19

    5.1  登录界面 19

    5.2 管理界面 20

    5.3  会员管理模块 20

    5.4  新闻管理模块 22

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