

    毕业论文关键词 蛋白质序列  蛋白质结构类   鉴别特征


    Title COMSPA:a new class of protein structure prediction 



    Prediction of protein structure from protein sequence is an important task, how to extract valid identification features from the sequence is one of the key steps, because single viewing angle characteristics can’t show all the information of protein, so the fusion of multi-angle features is probably the effective way of high prediction accuracy. This study uses a protein structure prediction framework based on multi-view fusion technique, in this article, the used new protein framework, multi-angle characteristics: firstly, extract features from different perspectives; secondly, parallel combine the characteristics of different perspectives, forming complex features; finally, use generalized principal component analysis for dimension reduction in the complex feature space. The experimental results using different data sets and algorithms show that the practical parallel multi-angle feature fusion strategy is effective.

    Keywords:protein sequence; protein structure class; discriminant features


    1 引言 2

    1.1 研究背景及意义 2

    1.2 国内外研究现状 3

    1.3 本文的主要内容 4

    1.4 论文结构安排 5

    2 蛋白质结构类预测概述 5

    2.1 蛋白质概述 5

    2.2 蛋白质结构 7

    2.3 蛋白质结构类预测 10

    3 数据集和特征提取 12

    3.1 基准数据集 12

    3.2 特征提取 12

    4 方法 17

    4.1 多视角并行特征融合 17

    4.1.1 并联组合 17

    4.1.2 广义的主成分分析(GPCA) 18

    4.2 蛋白质结构类预测框架 19

    4.2.1 预测框架 19

    4.2.2 复杂的空间预测模型 19

    5 COMSPA:WEB服务的环境及配置 20

    5.1 系统环境 20

    5.2 开发工具 21

    5.3 环境配置 21

    5.3.1 Java环境配置 21

    5.3.2 Myeclipse环境配置 22

    5.3.3 Tomcat配置 23

    6 系统的设计实现

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