    关键字    关键蛋白质; 蛋白质相互作用; 基因表达数据 
    Title    Predicting Essential Proteins Based on Protein-protein Interaction Network and Gene Expression Data
    Essential proteins are usually the material basis of cells or involved in important biological functions,and the deletion of these proteins is sufficient to cause disease or even lethality.Studies have shown that identification of essential proteins is of great significance.But biomedical experimental methods for the identification of essential proteins are usually costly and inefficient.With the development of high-throughput technologies, a growing number of protein-protein interactions are available, which enable the identification of essential proteins from the network level.In this paper, we have summarized the three categories of approach after the analysis of the current status of research,including the centrality measures based on the nodes’topological feature of the network,the method based on connectivity and modular feature of the network,and the method based on the integration of protein-protein interactions network and gene expression data.By comparing results of the above three methods, we have found that the predicted precision of the third method clearly exceeds that of the other two.At the same time such methods provides new approaches and ideas for predicting essential proteins.
    Keywords  essential proteins; protein-protein interactions; gene expression data
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景和内容    1
    1.2 研究意义    2
    1.3 研究现状    2
    2 关键蛋白质识别算法研究    4
    2.1 基于网络中节点拓扑特征的中心性测度的方法    4
    2.2 基于网络连通性和模块化特征的方法    6
    2.3 基于融合基因表达数据的方法    9
    3 实验数据    14
    3.1 数据集下载    14
    3.2 数据集预处理    15
    3.3 最终数据    17
    4 评估方法    19
    5 实验结果分析    21
    结  论    26
    致  谢    28
    1 绪论
    1.1 研究背景和内容
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