    关键词  无线传感器网络  能量均衡  路由算法  网络模型  
    Title    Research on energy-aware routing algorithms      
    The recent interest in sensor networks has led to a number of routing schemes that use the limited resources available at sensor nodes more efficiently.This paper study energy-aware routing algorithms,and analyzes the data transmission characteristics of wireless sensor networks.The experiment simulates regular topology and random topology,the average initial energy distribution and distribution according to the degree of initial energy,and two energy-aware routing algorithms.When designing routing algorithms,we consider two factors-the remaining energy and the distance to the destination from neighbors,and that we propose a determined routing algorithmand a probabilistic routing algorithm.Simulation results show that:regular network is better than random network;the average initial energy distribution’life is longer than distribution’s according to the degree of initial energy; data transmission characteristics of determined routing algorithm is better than probabilistic routing algorithms,effect of route parameters on the determined routing algorithm is more obvious than probabilistic routing algorithm.
    Keywords  wireless sensor network  energy balance Routing algorithm  network model  
    目   次
    1  引言(或绪论) 1
    2  无线传感器网络路由简介  3
    3  无线传感器网络拓扑模拟  5
    3.1  无线传感器网络模型介绍  5
    3.1.1 规则网络模型  5
    3.1.2 随机网络模型  5
    3.2  无线传感器网络拓扑仿真  6
    4  无线传感器网络初始能量模型介绍  8
    5  无线传感器网络路由策略设计  10
    5.1  路由算法性能度量  10
    5.2  数据传输过程介绍  11
    5.3  路由算法设计  11
    5.4  路由算法具体实现  13
    5.5  无线传感器网络性能仿真结果及其分析  14
    结论  20
    致谢  21
    1  引言
    Wireless sensor network简称WSNs,即无线传感器网络,又称传感器网络[1]。它是随着通信技术、分布式信息处理技术、嵌入式计算技术和传感器技术的快速发展而产生。WSNs是一类网络应运系统,它是由在被监控区域中密集部署的大量微型传感器节点组成的,能够实现协作地感知,数据采集,以及对覆盖区域中的环境、监测对象的信息进行处理,这些信息用无线发送,经过自组织、多跳的网络方式被送到用户终端,从而使人类社会、物理世界以及计算机世界互相连通[2]。
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