    The design of a knowledge-innovation based
    research information system among universities
    Abstract: With the development of computer technology, Internet, database and other modern information technologies, computer and network has already hold a significant position in the management of research among those universities in China. The dissertation shows a conclusion about the critical problems encountered in using technology research systems. Moreover, it shows the relative conceptions about research systems, the history of it both internal and external, the present progress in universities in relative areas and the precise analyses on specific systems. By introducing the shortcomings and the innovations of existing systems, thoroughly learning the advantages of them, we can make the particular design and development on a knowledge-innovation based research system. In conclusion, the dissertation makes a long-term prospect on research system among colleges, and then builds the foundation of the development of informationization, scientization and standardization in research systems in university.
    Key words:knowledge innovation, technology research among universities, information system, management
    目  录
    1.    绪论    1
    1.1 前言    1
    1.2 论文选题背景及意义    1
    1.3 相关概念和定义    3
    1.3.1知识创新    3
    1.3.2高校科研    3
    1.3.3 信息管理系统    3
    1.4 高校科研系统具体研究现状    4
    1.5 本文创新重点    5
    1.6 本章小结    6
    2.    高校科研信息系统的知识创新理论    7
    2.1 知识创新的模型    7
    2.2 知识创新的模型运用    7
    2.2.1 社会化    7
    2.2.2外部化    8
    2.2.3组合化    8
    2.2.4内部化    8
    2.3 知识创新的成果管理    9
    2.4 知识创新的制度激励    10
    3.    知识创新的高校科研信息系统的分析设计    11
    3.1 知识创新的高校科研信息系统需求分析    11
    3.1.1 功能需求    11
    3.1.2非功能需求    12
    3.2 高校科研信息系统开发环境    13
    3.2.1前台美化实现——HTML & CSS & JavaScript    13
    3.2.2后台逻辑实现语言——C#    14
    3.3 系统用例图、流程图和数据流图    14
    3.4 不同角色使用流程图    16
    3.4.1 系统管理员使用流程图    16
    3.4.2 行政人员使用流程图    17
    3.4.3 一般教师使用流程图    18
    3.4.4 财务人员使用流程图    19
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