
    摘要聚类图像分割算法在图像分割中应用相当普遍。现在主要有K均值聚类算法、K-MEDOIDS算法、BIRCH算法、DBSCAN算法等。k-means 算法接受输入量 k ;然后将n个数据对象划分为 k个聚类以便使得所获得的聚类满足:同一聚类中的对象相似度较高;而不同聚类中的对象相似度较小。聚类相似度是利用各聚类中对象的均值所获得一个“中心对象”(引力中心)来进行计算的。K均值算法的一个要点是初始样本点的选取,另一个要点是聚类依据的定义。本文主要从这两个方面入手,分别对K均值聚类算法进行实现和改进。选取初始样本点,使用了直方图进行决策;而聚类依据的定义上,从单纯的灰度改进到基于灰度、空域的依据。64827

    毕业论文关键词  聚类  图像分割  K均值  直方图  空域


    Title  Image Segmentation Algorithm on Clustering         


    Abstract The clustering algorithm is quite commonly used in image segmentation. The popular algorithms nowadays are K-means algorithm, K-medoids algorithm, BRICH algorithm, DBSCAN algorithm, e.g. The procedure of k-means algorithm is as follows: first, it takes in the input value k; second, it pides n data objects into k clusters, making the obtained clusters satisfy the following conditions: 1.the similarity of objects in the same cluster is comparatively high; 2.the similarity of objects in different clusters is comparatively lower. The similarity is calculated by the average value of each cluster. One of the key points of k-means algorithm is the selection of initial sample objects, the other one is the definition of the similarity. This paper mainly proceeds with these two aspects, realize and improve k-means algorithm separately and evaluate the results. A histogram is used in the procedure of selecting initial sample objects and the dimension of weight is extended from one(gray level) to three(gray level, coordinate x, coordinate y)

    Keywords  clustering  image segment  k-means  histogram  position

    目   次

    1  绪论… 1

    1.1  论文选题依据 1

    1.2  BMP图像文件格式 1

    1.3  图像分割简介… 2

    1.4  图像分割基础… 2

    1.5  聚类分割算法… 3

    1.6  本文内容安排… 4

    2  K均值聚类分割算法… 5

    2.1  基于直方图的采样 5

    2.2  基于直方图滤波前后的结果对比与分析… 7

    2.3  基于空域约束的权值的聚类 17

    3  基于动态K值的聚类分割算法 20

    3.1  直方图滤波… 21

    3.2  直方图波峰检测算法… 22

    3.3  动态K均值基于空域约束的权值的均值聚类… 27

    4  一个对分割结果进行滤波的,基于4领域的后期滤波器 34

    结论 … 37

    致谢 … 38


    1  绪论

    1.1  论文选题依据



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