

    在研究移动自组网和GPS原理的基础上,熟悉了解项目开发流程,完成需求分析与功能设计。本系统是在 Android虚拟机下开发的,使用的开发工具是eclipse。在系统需求分析的基础上,结合百度离线地图,对主要功能进行详细分析与设计,并通过测试,最终实现了实时显示本车辆及周边车辆的位置信息,达到了预定要求。



    Title  Design of the surrounding vehicle’s display system based on MANET 



    With the development of world economy, the urban construction scale expands unceasingly, vehicle is increasing everyday. The emergence of GPS for vehicle navigation and positioning provides real-time location capabilities, this paper mainly studies the use of GPS to provide location services , determine the user's location in the city at present, position will be displayed on the map, and jumped through the communication network within the scope of the surrounding vehicles also showed on the map and can be as the change of position and updated in real time, the user can get the real-time vehicle and vehicle's current location information .

    Based on the study of MANET and GPS, familiar with project development process, complete the requirements analysis and function design, this system is developed in the Android virtual machine , the development tools is the eclipse , on the basis of system requirements analysis, combined with baidu offline maps,analysis and design of the main function detailed , and through the test. Finally achieved real-time display the vehicle and around the vehicle's location information, reached the predetermined requirement.

    Keywords:MANET; GPS; Android; Baidu  offline maps

    目   次

    1 引言(或绪论)1

    1.1 课题背景 1

    1.2 国内外发展现状 1

    1.3 研究的意义 2

    1.4 目的与任务 2

    1.5 论文结构安排 3

    2 相关概念及技术 3

    2.1  GPS定位 3

    2.2  MANET 5

    2.3  UDP广播 6

    3  基于MANET的周边车辆显示系统的设计与实现 7

    3.1  前期准备 7

    3.2  需求分析 10

    3.3  系统流程图 12

    3.4  具体代码实现 13

    4  系统测试 26

    4.1  测试环境 26

    4.2  测试步骤 26

    4.3  测试结果 26

    总结与展望 29

    致谢 30

    参考文献 31

    1  引言

    1.1  课题背景


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