
    摘要如今,无论国内还是国外,学者个人主页都已经很普遍,为了方便交流,很多学者都创建了自己的个人主页。然而大多数个人主页都是静态的,不便于更新和维护。为了使学者个人主页便于更新和维护,我们考虑了利用网络编程实现个人主页。基于python语言的简洁、易读以及可扩展性等优点,而Django的主要目的是简便、快速的开发数据库驱动的网站。它强调代码复用,多个组件可以很方便的以“插件”形式服务于整个框架,因此为了解决上述问题,本课题以python django创建学者个人主页系统。65597                       

    毕业论文关键词  python django ckeditor css B/S架构


    Title     An automatic professional personal page    system based on python django    



    Nowadays, no matter domestic or abroad, scholars profiles are very common, in order to facilitate communication, many scholars have created their own personal home page. Most personal home pages are static, however, is not convenient to update and maintain. In order to make the personal home page is easy to update and maintenance for scholars.We consider the use of network programming to realize personal home page. Based on the python language is concise, readable, and extensibility ,etc, and the main purpose of Django is simple and rapid development of database-driven web site. It emphasizes the code reuse, multiple components can easily in the form of "plug-ins" to serve the whole framework, so in order to solve the above problems, this topic is based on python django system create a scholar's personal home page.

    Keywords : python  django  ckeditor  css  B/S

                              目    录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  项目背景 1

    1.2  选择python django进行开发 2

    1.3  本文主要工作 3

    2  Python Django 3

    2.1  python历史简介 4

    2.2  python的优势 4

    2.3  Django历史简介 5

    2.4  Django的优点 5

    2.5  本章小结 6

    3  系统设计与实现 7

    3.1  项目需求分析 7

    3.2  学者个人主页常用模块分析 8

    3.3  系统创建 9

    3.3.1  创建项目 9

    3.3.2  创建模型 11

    3.3.3  激活模型 12

    3.4  系统后台设计 12

    3.5  系统前台设计 16

    3.5.1  编写学者个人主页视图 16

    3.5.2  编写前台用户更新界面 18

    3.6  本章小结 20

    4  系统演示 20

    4.1  后台实现 20

    4.2  前台显示

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