
    摘  要:当前社会正处在信息化时代,信息化大潮席卷全球,网络正以前所未有的速度在我国普及开来。网站以其独特的优势在信息化的过程中占有重要的一席。论坛作为网站中供大家交流信息的平台,其作用不容忽视。本论坛就是利用web相关技术,开发了供求职者交流就业相关问题的平台,求职者可以论坛中提出自己的疑问寻求指导和帮助。65766




    ABSTRACT:The current society is in the information age, information technology tide sweeping the globe, the network is at an unprecedented speed in our popularity. Site for its unique advantages occupies an important one seat in the information process. In order to facilitate the exchange of information, under the combined HTML technology developed this fast, user-friendly communication system implements a function relatively complete forum system, teachers and students are free to ask questions and help others solve problems, or share their experience.

        The forum on the basis of HTML design, and with the current popular PHP web development technology for development, with the world's most popular server Apache. Forum will adopt B / S architecture, the people through the browser can access all pages forum site, security assurances server. Database using compact, easy to use MySQL database. The forum features a more complete, where you can freely express their views and express their views on the theme of the forum, we can address the problem of users in a timely manner, and obtain useful knowledge on their own. Forums There are some features such as chat expansion. This site in strict accordance with the software development process for development projects, the feasibility of the site for the development of analysis, requirements analysis, preliminary design, detailed design, and testing and maintenance of the site has a detailed discussion and implementation process.

        Advantages of this set of forum is that it has strong scalability and maintainability, ideal for Employment Forum AC employment of graduates use!

    Keywords: Apache,PHP,MySQL,HTML

    目  录

    1.1总体概述 5

    1.2开发背景 5

    1.3开发目的 7

    2.1 可行性分析 8

    2.2 相关技术分析 8

    3.1 概述 13

    3.2 功能需求 13

    3.3 数据需求 14

    3.4系统实体—联系图(E-R图) 14

    3.5数据流图 17

    4.1 系统功能模块划分 18

    4.2 系统业务流程图 18

    5.1 数据库分析

  1. 上一篇:扬州福彩推广系统的设计与实现
  2. 下一篇:基于ThinkPHP的B2C商城系统设计
  1. 基于MATLAB的图像增强算法设计

  2. 基于Kinect的手势跟踪与识别算法设计

  3. JAVA基于安卓平台的医疗护工管理系统设计

  4. 基于核独立元分析的非线...

  5. 基于Hadoop的制造过程大数据存储平台构建

  6. php+mysql志愿者服务平台前端页面设计

  7. php+mysql高校迎新系统的开发与应用

  8. 新生代农民工培训现状分析

  9. 公共服务均等化文献综述和参考文献

  10. 合肥老乡鸡连锁餐饮企业的经营策略探析

  11. 分光光度法测定水溶液中有机酸含量的研究

  12. 《简爱》女性主义的象征

  13. 圆柱绕流国内外研究现状

  14. 文化旅游主题展示设计广富林十里长街设计

  15. 探讨“绿色生态”在都市设计中的体现

  16. 带式输送机技术英文文献和中文翻译

  17. 机器人摩擦焊机头设计




