
    摘  要:在移动互联发展的大背景下,新闻客户端市场已成为移动媒体竞争的焦点。新浪、腾讯、网易、搜狐四大门户网站纷纷聚焦新闻客户端开始发力,都希望尽可能多地占领这个市场份额。而传统媒体也相继进入以扩展传播渠道。该客户端软件采用了市场上主流的新闻客户端阅读的布局,经过实际的需求分析和论证,最终利用Eclipse作为开发工具实现了新闻阅读等所有功能。整个客户端操作简便、界面友好,具有新闻内容的获取、收藏等功能。经过大量的智能手机测试,完全可以满足用户的新闻获取需求。论文从开发的背景和需求开始描述,介绍了采用的技术、系统的功能及其分析设计过程,同时描述了设计的重点以及遇到的问题和解决方案。66040


    Abstract:Under the background of the development of mobile Internet, news client mobile media market has become the focus of competition. Sina, Tencent, Netease, Sohu four portals have focused news client, want as much as possible to occupy the market share. While the traditional media have to expand the channels of communication. The client software uses the mainstream market news client read layout, through real demand analysis and reasoning, and ultimately the use of Eclipse as a development tool supports all the features news reading. The entire client is simple, friendly interface, and has the function of news content, collection and so on. After a lot of smart phones tested and found to meet the user's information acquisition needs. The development background and demand is described in paper. The use of technology, system function analysis and design process, and the design of the key and the problems encountered and solutions are also covered in paper.

    Keywords: News Release, News Subscription, Android Application, Mobile Development

    目   录

    1 引言 4

    1.1 Android新闻客户端开发的意义 4

    1.2 Android新闻客户端研究的内容 4

    1.3 Android的现状和发展趋势 4

    1.4 Android新闻客户端的市场 5

    2 Android新闻客户端的设计需求 5

    2.1 客户端需求介绍 5

    2.2 客户端的需求目标 5

    2.3客户端需求的可行性分析 5

    3 客户端的开发分析 6

    3.1 使用的技术 6

    3.2 技术平台 7

    3.3 系统架构图 8

    3.4 客户端流程与功能 8

    4 客户端的主要功能 9

    4.1 新闻列表的主体界面实现 9

    4.2 新闻模块介绍 10

    4.3 新闻标题的获取 11

    4.4 新闻的收藏 16

    4.5 新闻详细内容的获取 18

    4.6 数据库设计 18

    5 户端测试 19

    5.1 试的实现及结果说明 19

    总 结 23

    参考文献 24

    致谢 25

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