
    摘 要:虽然大型网络游戏是目前游戏的主流,但是单机游戏因为使用的内存小,又无需建立网络,更不会使人沉迷,也仍然拥有数量可观的用户。本设计在visual studio 2010的开发环境下,运用c#编程语言实现一款简单的贪吃蛇游戏。设计实现了用键盘控制蛇方向的移动,蛇通过吃食物来增加身体长度,改变蛇移动速度来改变游戏难度,选择游戏背景图片并对图片进行预览,游戏默认播放背景音乐,也可以选择背景音乐和改变音量大小,游戏结束时可以保存玩家记录,并显示前三名成绩等相关功能。本文首先介绍了开发背景和开发环境,然后着重介绍系统的设计流程及核心算法分析,最后针对游戏进行了测试并提出了改进方向。66910

    毕业论文关键词:贪吃蛇,Visual Studio 2010,.NET Framework,C#

    Abstract:Snake  is a classic game,Because it's fun and playable,The use of small memory,It does not need to establish the network,Nor will it make people addicted,The majority of people love,So it's worth the small game to play on the computer.Complete the game using the tools Visual Studio 2010 and.NET Framework on the computer,The use of the programming language is the widely used c# language.Through the tools and language, use the keyboard to control the direction of movement of the snake on the computer,The snake body length increased by eating food,Change the speed to change the difficulty of the game snake,Select the game background images and the preview picture,The default background music in the game, can choose the background music and change the volume size,At the end of the game you can save game player records, and display the top three results and other related functions.This paper discusses the design of the game and the process of realization,First analyzes the demand of the overall game design,Then in the part of functions of the game implementation method are introduced in detail and the attached code and pictures,Finally, in view of the game has been tested and put forward the improvement direction.

    Keywords:Snake,Visual Studio 2010,.NET Framework,C#

    目   录

    1  绪论 5

    1.1  选题背景 5

    1.2  本文所做工作 5

    1.3  本文的安排 5

    2  系统开发技术 6

    2.1  Visual Studio 2010 6

    2.2  .NET Framework 6

    2.3  C#编程语言 7

    3  游戏系统分析和设计 7

    3.1  玩家对游戏需求 7

    3.2  可行性分析 7

    3.3  游戏设计 8

    3.4  游戏总体设计 9

    3.5  游戏数据结构设计 11

    4  游戏详细设计 14

    4.1  游戏运行流程图 14

    4.2  核心功能模块设计 17

    5  系统测试 27

    5.1  系统测试目的 27

    5.2  游戏测试过程 28

    5.3  游戏主要功能测试 28

    5.4  游戏测试方法

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