    关键词  桌面搜索引擎  文件解析  中文分词   Lucene
    Title    Design and Implementation of Desktop Search Engine   
    The information age has greatly changed the way people live, with the development of computer technology, computer hard disk is the gradual replacement of an increasing number, file number and type of local file directory structure has become increasingly complex. How to file from the mass accurately and quickly find the information they need to become increasingly difficult. Desktop search engine is to solve the needs of the user's local search.
        Lucene is an open source full-text retrieval engine toolkit, which provides a full-text search engine framework for the Design and implementation of the desktop search engine, it provides a convenient.
    This paper studies the basic design framework for the search engine, the call internal interface and the corresponding principle of the analysis of Lucene, based on Lucene designed with a simple green desktop search engine tool. It can be pided into the following modules: file parsing module, Chinese word segmentation module, query module, the user interface module. The following will detail the design process.
    Keywords  Desktop Search Engine ; file parsing module ; segmentation module; Lucene
     目   次
    1  引言 1
    1.1  桌面搜索引擎简介… 1
    1.2  主流桌面搜索引擎… 1
    1.3  Lucene简介 3
    系统设计 5
    2.1  总体框架设计… 5
    2.2  业务流程分析… 6
    2.3  模块结构图 6
    3  子模块分析设计… 7
    3.1  文件解析模块… 7
    3.2  分词索引模块 11
    3.3  查询模块 15
    3.4  用户界面模块 20
    4  功能实现及效果 22
    4.1  实现功能简介 22
    4.2  各功能效果展示… 22
    5  系统说明… 29
    5.1  开发环境 29
    5.2  用户须知 29
    5.3  整体系统评价 32
    结论  34
    致谢  35
    参考文献… 36
     1  引言
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