    关键词 Android,智能手机,信息交流共享,文件上传
    Title      Smartphone file upload real-time systems   research and Achieve                            
    With the rapid proliferation of smart phones, smart phone operating system market is fiercely competitive. In order to allow smartphone users to exchange and sharing of information anytime, anywhere via the Internet, applications capabilities into a mobile terminal is an effective method, so that the phone is able to access Web sites through the mobile network and the Internet to communicate with the inpidual.
    In 2008, Google launched a product called the Android open-source smartphone operating system which uses the Linux kernel, and the Open Handset Alliance (OHA) members can use and modify the SDK package anyway. Android's most important feature is its open architecture, not only has a very good development and debugging environment, but also supports a variety of class extension user experience, including rich graphical components, multimedia support and a strong browser.
    Discussed on the basis of the principle of the Android mobile phone software development techniques, the graduation project developed to provide users with Android smartphone files     real-time upload system of the exchange of information to communicate with the network at any time.
    Keyword Android, smart phones,exchange and sharing of information,file upload
     目   次
    1    绪论… 1
    1.1  智能手机平台… 1
    1.2  了解Android 2
    2  Android平台的搭建 3
    2.1  搭建Android开发环境… 3
    2.2  Android开发四大组件… 6
    3  开发概述… 9
    3.1  开发内容 9
    3.2  开发意义 9
    4  程序功能分析及程序设计 10
    4.1  功能分析10
    4.2  程序设计 10
    5  程序开发… 14
    5.1  文件结构与用途… 14
    5.2  功能的具体实现… 15
    5.2.1  Servlet接收用户通过post方式传来的数据… 15
    5.2.2  用户主界面的各个功能 … 16
    5.2.3  文件选择界面的功能  20
    5.2.4  后台服务功能 … 21
    5.3  布局文件的编写… 21
    6  系统测试… 21
    结论 … 32
    致谢 … 33
    参考文献… 34
    1  绪论
    1.1  智能手机平台
    说到智能手机,这是近几年来深刻影响我们生活的一个词。我们先了解一下智能手机的概念吧。智能手机操作系统是一种运算能力及功能比传统功能手机系统更强的手机系统。使用最多的操作系统有:Symbian、Windows Phone、iOS、Android和BlackBerry OS。他们之间的应用软件互不兼容。因为可以像个人电脑一样安装第三方软件,所以智能手机有丰富的功能。智能手机能够显示与个人电脑所显示出来一致的正常网页,它具有独立的操作系统以及良好的用户界面,它拥有很强的应用扩展性、能方便随意地安装和删除应用程序。
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