    关键词   机械手;3自由度;液压; 转动机构4362
    Small multi-degree-of-freedom robot body design
    Abstract: This paper introduces the concept of the robot, the robot's composition and classification of domestic and international developments and prospects. This paper manipulator overall program design, combined with the actual production and theory to determine the structure of the robot and action process, coordinate types and degrees of freedom, and a list of the technical parameters of the robot. Designed the robot driving scheme, control scheme. This is a 3-DOF manipulator, namely lateral movement, vertical movement and overall rotation. Lateral agencies and institutions are vertical hydraulic transmission means to carry out, rotating mechanism is two bevel gears and motor control. There are two kinds of hydraulic system control method is through a computer program to control it, for official use phase; another way for the manual control of the switch, so that the solenoid is energized or de-energized, the system is used for debugging. Two kinds of control methods to switch through the switch. The workpiece manipulator crawl owned mainly by the three degrees of regulation, according to the workpiece position, adjust the horizontal and vertical movement of the robot and the overall selection to locate.
    KeyWords: robot manipulator;3 DOF;Hydraulic;Rotational structure
    目  录
    1    序言1
    1.1    前言 1
    1.2    机械手概述 2
    1.2.1    机械手设计的目的2
    1.2.2    机械手的用途2
    1.2.3    机械手的主要性能参数3
    1.3    设计的研究范围 4
    2    设计内容及设计步骤5
    3    总体设计方案6
    4    机械手主体的设计7
    4.1    机械手的工作要求设计 7
    4.1.1    手臂重量的计算7
    4.1.2    机械手支柱机构及整体质量计算7
    4.2    机械手手部机构设计 7
    4.2.1    手部机构驱动设计7
    4.2.2    手部机构与手爪连接设计9
    4.3    横向机构设计9
    4.3.1    横向机构的驱动设计9
    4.3.2    横向机构与手部机构的连接设计11
    4.3.3    横向机构与纵向机构的连接设计12
    4.3.4    导向杆与导向套的设计13
    4.4    纵向机构设计13
    4.4.1    纵向机构的驱动设计13
    4.4.2    纵向机构与横向机构的连接设计14
    4.4.3    纵向机构与旋转机构的练级设计14
    4.4.4    导向杆与导向套的设计15
    4.5    回转机构的设计15
    4.5.1    回转机构驱动设计15
    4.5.2    齿轮设计及校核17
  1. 上一篇:中碳钢凸轮轴热处理工艺设计
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