    关键词:50Mn;中碳钢;热处理工艺;感应加热淬火 4354
    Design of Heat Treatment Process of Medium Carbon Steel
    Abstract: This design mainly study that performance requirements of camshaft parts, selection and process.Design sensors, heat treatment process and the necessary equipment used in design choices.When you design,it is required to understand the camshaft, camshaft camshaft performance requirements as well as some of the material. Moreover, the control principle of induction heating is necessary.Since the width of the cam and bearing file inconsistent, so the heating method can not consistent. Using simultaneous heating quenching cam bearings file using continuous heating quenching. The design of the sensor, the thickness of the induction coil, diameter, outside diameter data. IF sensor bus bars and plates generally welded together. Take the bus bar is 1.8mm thick plate made of copper. According to basic knowledge of the camshaft and the required parameters, the design of the induction heating process camshaft.According to basic knowledge of the camshaft and the required parameters, the design of the induction heating process camshaft. Based parts hardened layer depth induction heating is selected, the frequency set at 8kHz. The selection of specific power requirements depending on the frequency and depth of hardened layer. The frequency is constant, the hardened layer shallow, use a larger specific power; layers deep in the same case, the device can be used with lower frequency greater than the power. Than the power is constant, the higher the frequency, the faster heating; when the specific power is constant, the higher the frequency, the more shallow type current penetration, heat faster. Induction heating surface hardening is necessary to calculate the power of a power generation output, part of the total power required for heating, into the part of the unit surface power, etc. Power is the unit surface area is needed on the heating unit of electric power, which is the output power by adjusting the power to obtain. Surface power unit during heating of the part has a great influence. Frequency unit surface to be heated according to the frequency determined by the diameter of the part. The lower the frequency, the smaller the diameter parts, the greater the power unit surface required. According to the designed parameters select the appropriate Induction Heating Equipment. While heating the workpiece quenching method is to put the whole or part of the neck near the sensor into its position, the sensor connected to high or medium frequency current, induction heating of the workpiece, the workpiece to be heated to the quenching temperature, cut off the current, immediate or time lag or advance a little time to cool the heating part, so that the parts reach quenching purposes. When parts of the quenching area greater than frequency devices simultaneously hardening the maximum area should be used when continuous heating quenching method. According to the standard selection heating temperature, heating rate, holding time to select quenching machine equipment. Cooling the induction heating method is selected according to steel, part shape and size, a method of induction heating comprehensive consideration. Induction heating, cooling methods are commonly used cooling method immersion and spray cooling method. Because carbon steel and low alloy steel parts made most use of spray cooling, so the design uses spray cooling method. Induction heating of the cooling medium is selected according to the steel, shape and size of parts, induction heating method such as considering the decision. The most common induction hardening quenching medium is water. Water for a low hardenability steels due to the shape of simple parts as for spray cooling. After induction heating surface hardening of parts in order to reduce the tensile stress, eliminating the brittleness, so there select tempering. Purpose is to reduce the brittleness of parts, improve toughness, to reduce internal stress, to prevent cracking, prevent deformation, improved dimensional stability, an important step to ensure the mechanical properties. The design uses a tempering furnace, select Pit Furnace.
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