

    这次我的课题是加工中心的链式刀库的设计。在图书馆查阅相关刀库的资料和机械手册后,我对刀库的总体传动设计方案进行理论设计和理论验证,对电机种类和电机基本参数进行了确定,对蜗轮蜗杆等主要零部件进行参数计算设计以及验证;最后我使用AUTO CAD计算机绘图软件绘制了总装配图和重要零部件的结构工程图。


    Abstract CNC machining center is based on the traditional machine tool developed mechanical equipment, can be used to process different shapes of parts.Under the developmet of manufacturing,More and more enterprises began to use CNC equipment. The machining center is a kind of CNC machine tool with automatic tool changer, which can carry out high speed and high precision machining of parts such as car, milling and boring. Which is used to store the tool magazine, knife library stored in a variety of tools can make the processing center alone processing complex parts.

    The main content of this graduation design is CNC machining center chain magazine design. The magazine system is an indispensable part of the machining center and is a guarantee that the machining center completes its function. Machining center of the magazine system design is the collection, machine, gas, etc. as one of the integrated design. After the access to information, the overall program of the magazine to choose, compare and determine the choice of the motor, the worm and other major components of the design and calculation; drawing the assembly diagram and the main parts and components, and so on.

    Through this design of the automated processing equipment have in-depth understanding, in the consolidation of knowledge has been based on the improvement of our own practical ability.

    Key words:CNC; machining center; chain; knife library; design

    目  录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    第1章  绪论 1

    1.1  本课题研究的背景和意义 1

    1.2  加工中心的组成、分类及发展方向 2

    1.3  加工中心刀库简介 4

    第2章  总体方案的设计与确定 13

    2.1  设计参数及设计要求的确定 13

    2.1.1 设计参数的确定 13

    2.1.2 设计要求的确定 14

    2.2  刀库结构方案的选择与确定 15

    2.3  驱动刀库类型的选择与确定 15

    2.4  刀库传动方案的选择与确定 16

    第3章  主要参数的计算及驱动电机的选择 17

    3.1  刀套线速度的确定 17

    3.2  链轮形式及参数确定

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