

    毕业论文关键词:气动机械手 气动回路 结构设计 程序控制


    Title      Design of CNC machine tool handling manipulator                                                                                                      


    A robot is a device that can act according to a fixed program or an operating tool to imitate human hand to grasp and move objects. In the different design requirements, you need to select different manipulator structure and function to adapt This paper is a design of special pneumatic manipulator for the specific needs of the material.1)Design the pneumatic loop of the pneumatic manipulator,  completing the selection and checking the pneumatic components.2)Finish the structural design of the pneumatic manipulator, including the whole 2D and 3D assembly drawing. And for non-standard connectors, it will be designed with detailed parts drawings.3)Finish the PLC type selection of pneumatic manipulator, and write the matching procedures, so that the mechanical can meet the specific requirements.

    Keywords  Pneumatic manipulator   Pneumatic circuit Structure design        Program control

    目    次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1 机械手概述 1

    1.2机械手组成 1

    1.3 国内外在气动机械手领域的研究现状 3

    1.4 课题背景与研究意义 5

    2  总体技术方案和气动回路设计 6

    2.1数控机床上下料机械手的设计要求 6

    2.2 气动结构设计 6

    2.3气动行程设计 7

    2.4 气动回路设计 7

    3  机械手气动元件尺寸设计、校核与选型 9

    3.1机械手主要参数 9

    3.2气动元件尺寸设计与校核 9

    3.2.1气动三联件尺寸设计与校核 9

    3.2.2手部夹紧气缸尺寸设计与校核 10

    3.2.3手腕回转气缸尺寸设计与校核 10

    3.2.4小臂直线气缸尺寸设计与校核 11

    3.2.5大臂无杆气缸尺寸校核 12

    3.3 气动元件选型 14

    3.3.1大臂无杆气缸选型 14

    3.3.2 小臂直线气缸选型

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