

    毕业论文关键词  小口径 弹道器材 内弹道 内膛构造诸元


    Title   The design of a small caliber ballistic gun equipment   



    Ballistic equipment is a kind of equipment which is used to detect the ballistic performance, projectile and launch drug acceptance, standard bomb and standard charge and the equipment. This paper mainly design for a small bore bullet ballistic equipment, through the small caliber bullet in the investigation research status related to determine the tactical and technical index of small caliber bullets, the small caliber ballistic equipment for overall design, then mainly on small caliber bullet ballistic equipment interior ballistics of analysis and calculation, study the influences of different factors on the performance of the maximum bore pressure and the initial velocity, determined within the chamber structure elements of design of main structure, then carries on an analysis of the strength of parts and components, for small bore bullet in the research to provide a reliable ballistic equipment.

    Keywords  Small caliber    Ballistic equipment    Interior ballistic    Element of inner bore structure

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  目前现状 2

    1.3  论文主要内容 3

    2  小口径弹道器材总体方案设计 4

    2.1  任务要求 4

    2.2  枪身总体方案设计 4

    2.3  其他方案设计 5

    3  小口径弹道器材内弹道设计 7

    3.1  内弹道基本假设 7

    3.2  内弹道计算方程 7

    3.3  内弹道编程 10

    3.4  内弹道计算结果 12

    3.5  装填条件变化影响 13

    4  小口径弹道器材结构设计 17

    4.1  枪管设计 17

    4.2  闭锁结构设计 19

    4.3  击发结构设计 19

    4.4  枪机结构设计 20

    4.5  机匣结构设计 21

    5  零部件强度分析计算 22

    5.1  枪管强度计算

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