
    摘  要支护设备是由煤矿开采的,该设计的重要设备就是单体液压支柱。煤矿的安全生产,不仅是技术的考验,也是产品的创新。为了安全,就要选择高质量的产品。那么这种产品就是单体液压支柱。这也是各大厂商所一直研究的问题。69593





    毕业论文关键词:单体支柱  密封质量  单片机  传感器

    Design On Sealing Quality Inspection System Of Hydraulic Prop

    Abstract Support equipment is made up of coal mining, the design is the important equipment inpidual hydraulic prop. Coal mine production safety, not only is the test technology, and innovation of the products. For safety, we should choose high quality products. This product is inpidual hydraulic prop. This is the big players have been research problems. 

    According to the research status at home and abroad, and the level of development and research at home and abroad in recent years, I completed the design. This design first introduced about the implementation of scheme, this paper briefly describes the composition, characteristic and principle of the system. For the product specification, type, and related components, I also was analyzed. Finally, according to the comprehensive analysis of all parts, identified in accordance with the design of the parts. 

    And then introduces the single chip microcomputer hardware and software design, including a lot of circuit. No circuit, there will be no voltage. No voltage there would be no current. No reset circuit, will not be able to read and input the data. There could be no signal processing circuit, signal conversion, and so on. Of them, it would be easier to test. Use rise more convenient also reliable. 

    Finally simply illustrates the installation and debugging of detector, also often appears the problem is described in brief. 

    Key words: Hydraulic prop  Sealing quality  SCM  Sensor

    目 录






    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题提出的意义 1

    1.2 目前的研究状况 2

    1.3 本课题研究的主要内容 4

    1.4 本章小结 5

    2 系统结构和工作原理 6

    2.1 系统的方案选择 6

    2.2 系统的结构及特点 6

    2.3 系统的工作原理 6

    2.4 本章小结 7

    3 主要硬件的选型 8

    3.1 单片机的选型 8

    3.2 传感器的选型 9

    3.3 通信接口的选型

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