
    摘  要近年来,我国对煤炭能源的需求量越来越大,人们也开始逐渐的关注起了煤矿开采时的安全,对煤炭资源的开采也开始追求安全、高产和高效并存的模式。液压支架是采煤的过程中应用非常多的一个东西,而操纵阀作是液压支架中的最为关键一个控制元件,其性能的优劣直接影响到煤炭开采过程的安全性和开采时的效率。  



    毕业论文关键词:液压支架  操纵阀  试验台  液压控制系统 

    Design on hydraulic control system of comprehensive test bed of hydraulic support control valve  

    Abstract   In recent years, China coal energy demand is more and more big, people began to concern the coal mining safety, the exploitation of coal resources have begun to pursuit of safety, high yield and high efficiency coexist mode. Hydraulic support is the important equipment in the process of coal mining, and hydraulic control valve hydraulic support as the key control elements, the advantages and disadvantages of the performance will directly affect the efficiency of the process of coal mining safety and coal mining.

        In the first chapter, this paper first describes the significance and purpose of this paper, then briefly introduces the main direction of this paper, and makes a certain description of the overall structure of the article. Finally, a simple description of the current hydraulic support control valve comprehensive experimental platform at home and abroad research status, and the practical significance of this research. In the two chapter, the paper introduces the test bench test requirements, the composition of the test bench, and then briefly describes the main design parameters. In the third chapter, the paper mainly introduces the calculation and design of the hydraulic system of the test bench. According to the relevant standards of our country, the hydraulic control system of our country has been a certain degree of innovation. It is mainly manipulate valves comprehensive test-bed hydraulic system design based on traditional hydraulic support, the disadvantages of the existing was improved the cartridge valve as the key control components to replace the original hydraulic control valve, to achieve its ability to control valve flow capacity test. Finally, the paper also describes the installation and debugging process of the whole test bench, which is convenient for readers to understand.

    There are 16 figures and 30 references in this paper.

    Key Words: hydraulic support;Control valve;Test bed;Hydraulic control system

    目  录






    1 绪论-1




    2 试验台试验内容和整体设计-5




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