

    毕业论文关键词:液压缸  蓄能器  液压系统  高速摄像机

    Design of high speed Hydraulic impact loading system


     In order to research on prestressed anchor cable under different impact load failure mechanism and simulate the cable in the pull off, breaking in the process of friction heat, spark design test system, the design of actuator hydraulic cylinders and auxiliary energy storage device with calculation and analysis of, up to requirements. Then introduced the working principle and control process of the mine anchor impact testing system, focusing on the hydraulic system design and calculation, and a brief description of the hydraulic auxiliary parts of the principle, the function and the characteristic, and carries on the choice list. In the end, the assembly drawing of the equipment can be seen clearly, and the structure and shape of the equipment can be seen clearly. Through the high-speed camera to shoot the changes in the state of the cable, to get the required parameters, complete the test.

    Key Words:Hydraulic cylinder  Accumulator  High speed camera


    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    1 绪论 1

    1.1课题研究的背景及意义 1

    1.2课题研究现状 1

    1.3设计内容 3

    2液压缸设计计算 4

    2.1本设计所需参数 4

    2.2液压缸的的主要性能参数 4

    2.3液压缸参数计算 6

    2.4液压缸主要零部件设计 7

    2.5液压缸的结构设计 12

    2.6液压缸的缓冲装置 15

    2.7液压缸主要零件的材料 15

    3加载结构设计 17

    3.1方案选择 17

    3.2 结构设计 19

    4液压系统设计 21

    4.1概述 21

    4.2液压系统工况分析 21

    4.3液压元件的选择 23

    4.4液压辅件的选择 27

    4.5液压系统的验算 35

    4.6压力损失的验算 35

    4.7系统温升的验算 37

    5 液压冲击加载系统的控制 38

    5.1电气控制 38

    结论 44


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