



    Title        Hydraulic autofrettage design of gun barrel  with High pressure                    


    Autofrettage processing of barrel is a kind of special  processing technology.Hydraulic Autofrettage have wide range of applications in the Production Process of barrel.In this paper, the hydraulic autofrettage barrel of 125 mm smooth bore have been designed.First of all,theory intensity curves have been designed with The internal ballistic parameters.Then, using the theory of monocular barrel to check the strength of The finished product of barrel, calculate the Blank size in reverse after diciding the length of autofrettage with comparing the factor of safety, calculate the strength of barrel after adjusting the pressure of autofrettage and size of workblank.Finally,deciding the reasonable size of workblank , drawing the curve control chart of autofrettage,and simulating deflection of finished product under the weight itself to achieve  design requirements.

    Keywords:barrel,hydraulic-autofrettage ,Thick-walled cylinder ,Elastic-plastic deformation.


    目   次 

    1  绪论 7

    1.1  课题背景和意义 7

    1.2  国内外研究现状 7

    1.2.1国外研究状态 7

    1.2.2国内研究状态 8

    1.3  课题主要内容 8

    2  高低温压力曲线设计 9

    2.1  p-l、Pt-l曲线 9

    2.2 高低温压力曲线的设计 10

    3  某坦克炮身管强度校核 12

    4 液压自紧身管设计 13

    4.1假设条件 13

    4.2身管液压自紧技术状态 14

    4.2.1自紧时的应力状态 14

    4.2 .2残余应力 15

    4.2.3不出现反向屈服的条件 16

    4.2.4修正后特雷斯卡屈服条件的表达式 16

    4.3 液压自紧身管毛坯设计 17

    4.3.1确定自紧长度 17

    4.3.2初步确定自紧身管毛坯结构与尺寸 17

    4.3.3调整自紧压力,对初步毛坯进行设计计算 17

    4.3.4材料屈服强度、自紧毛坯和自紧压力匹配及液压自紧计算 19

    5 身管挠度仿真

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