




    毕业论文关键词   30mm3连发自动炮  横动式炮闩  杠杆卡板式开关闩机构  击发机构


    Title    30mm 3 bursts of automatic gun design Switch latch mechanism and firing mechanism design   


    One of the automatic gun future directions is to improve its maximum rate of fire. This graduation design specification achieve the purpose of rate of fire through the three bursts of automatic machine automatic gun. And the main research is the automaton switch latch mechanism and the firing mechanism.

    First, choose the correct parameters and the base member working member for the lever pallets traverse type unlatching mechanism, including its quality, early spring force and spring stiffness coefficient. Then according to the classic unlatching mechanism design flow, do the unlatching calculations for three times. For the design of the firing mechanism, mainly choose mechanical ignition method, strike needle firing mechanism particularly .Primarily design its firing pin spring parameters.

    Secondly, for unlatching mechanism design process, numerical calculation is mainly calculated by computer software named matlab.

    Finally, based on the aforementioned study, design a set of designs for three bursts of automatic machine switch latch mechanism and firing mechanism, and provide a reference for future research to improve the rate of fire of other scholars in terms of automata.

    Keywords  30mm 3 bursts of automatic gun  Traverse Breechblock  Lever card plate switch latch mechanism   Firing mechanism

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 1

    1.3  本课题的研究目的、手段和主要内容 2

    2  开关闩机构设计 4

    2.1  第一次开闩 4

    2.1.1  已知条件 4

    2.1.2  求解炮膛合力 5

    2.1.3  不计开闩机构工作影响的基础构件后坐运动规律: 5

    2.1.4  加速机构开始工作时机t0、结束工作时机t1的选择和确定: 8

    2.1.5  加速机构结束工作时炮闩最大的速度 的选择和确定: 8

    2.1.6  速比 的选择和确定: 8

    2.1.7  炮闩速度 规律和位移 规律的确定: 9

    2.1.8  杠杆结构的选择和卡板理论轮廓曲线设计:

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