
    摘要随着现代战争的逐步科技化,新型的信息化战争正逐步代替传统战争。同时, 战争的方式也不断在向着信息化、数字化以及高科技化的方向发展。因此,信息 的获取和侦察在信息化战场中也占据了更加重要的位置。应运而生的信息侦察弹 在现代战场中的使用也更加频繁和重要。69451

    本课题为水下发射的信息侦察弹,其借助于潜艇鱼雷管水平发射。为实现其 射出水面并进行信息侦察的作用,本文设计了该弹的结构并主要设计了其气囊系 统,通过气囊来实现水下侦察弹发射后的自动扶正。并对其相关参数进行了详细 地计算和验证。论文紧接着又对侦察弹的一些结构参数和重点结构强度进行了计 算,经计算检验,所有验证项目均符合要求,最后对该水下发射侦察弹设计进行 了总结。

    毕业论文关键词 信息侦察弹 气囊 自动扶正

    Title Design of automatic centering system for underwater missle


    With the more technological of modern warfare, the new information war is gradually replacing the traditional war. Meanwhile, the way of the war is also growing towards the direction of information technology, digital technology and high-tech-oriented. Therefore, the achievement and reconnaissance of information in the information battlefield also occupies a more important position. The use of information and reconnaissance missle in the modern battlefield is more frequent and important.

    The underwater launched missle in this paper is launched by means of a submarine torpedo tube. In this paper it’s designed the structure and it’s air bag system in order to realize the function of the information reconnaissance above water. And realize the automatic centering under the water after it’s launch through the air bag system. And its relevant parameters were calculated and verified in detail. And all validation items are in accordance with the requirements of the calculation and inspection. Finally the design of the missle were summarized.

    Keywords  reconnaissance missle  gasbag  automatic centerin

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 2

    1.3 本文主要研究内容 5

    2 信息侦察弹的结构设计 7

    2.1 侦察弹的总体结构方案 7

    2.2 信息侦察弹的结构设计 8

    2.3 结构设计方案确定 16

    3 扶正系统验证及强度计算 20 

    3.1 扶正系统验证计算 20

    3.2 燃烧室相关计算 22

    3.3 抛射压力的确定 25

    3.4 推板强度计算 27

    3.5 半圆瓦强度计算 28

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