



    Title   The starting device design and misfire prevention    

            device design of automatic weapons floating launch                


    In order to solve the traditional killing of a high muzzle velocity grenade launcher after reducing recoil problem, a floating emission principle applied to high muzzle velocity automatic grenade launcher sitting subtracted design. The main issue is based on first startup device after internal ballistics theory and mechanical design theory 35mm grenades launchers floating recoil reduction and anti-fire devices blind design. First designed for the entire first start means the overall program and blind anti-fire devices; then designed the first start of the most important means of several core components: Houla An installed base, piston, rotating the chamber, the needle, as well as anti-Dud means pawl, detent spring, cam, slide lever, a rotary energy storage mechanism; and according to the given task condition (muzzle velocity, bullet weight, barrel weight) were within ballistics analysis derived from the sitting, which OK Houla an installed base and the basic dimensions of the front cover, and identified after the drawing process to provide energy without warhead ammunition loading dose; and finally the use of computer-aided design software and AutoCAD SolidWork institutional draw three-dimensional model and two-dimensional graph work, including the respective 3D assembly model, the two-dimensional assembly drawing, 2D parts diagram.

    Keywords: 35 mm killer grenade launchers; Floating launch; The recoil; Starting starter; Misfire prevention device

    目   次

    1 绪论1

    1.1 研究的意义及背景1

    1.2 国内外现状2

    1.3 本论文研究的主要内容4

    2  浮动原理 5

    2.1 减后坐结构设计 5

    2.1.1 枪管短后坐5

    2.1.2 浮动发射原理5

    2.1.3 自动机后坐到位的缓冲采用转换杠杆式6

    2.1.4 枪托簧设计6

    2.1.5 膛口制退装置7

    2.2 前冲原理7

    2.2.1 浮动发射技术介绍7

    2.2.2 自动武器浮动技术8

    2.2.3 浮动自动机9

    2.3  前冲炮与常规炮发射时循环方式的区别 10

    2.4 本章小结11

    3   内弹道原理12

    3.1 内弹道学简介12

    3.2 浮动式发射系统的内弹道数值计算12

    3.2.1 发射过程各时期的划分12

    3.2.2 武器发射过程的内弹道分析13

    3.3 本章小结15

    4  首发启动装置和防瞎火装置的总体方案与设计 16

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