
    摘要提高火炮的射速和首发命中率对战车来说具有重要意义。本课题设计新型 40mm3 连 发自动战车炮的炮身设计,在分析新型 40mm3 连发自动战车炮工作原理的基础上,设计 适应新型 40mm3 连发自动战车炮的身管炮尾以及之间的连接部件等。此种新型三连发火 炮采用横动式炮闩,装填埋头弹,通过大胆创新试图解决火炮中的一些问题。此设计中 炮闩采用一次装填三发炮弹的结构,射击时通过炮闩的运动来实现三次射击。这对炮管, 炮尾等部件的结构都有特殊的要求。具体设计时采用对已知参数的分析,计算出炮身个 部件所需承受的压强大小并进行校核,对已知的材料等进行选择,设计结构。完成课题 要求。69453

    毕业论文关键词 3 连发 埋头弹 炮身 炮尾 强度校核

    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

    Title 40mm   triple shooting artillery


    It is great significance to improve the rate of fire and starting shooting . This new Design is about a new 40mm artillery which can complete triple shooting. Based on the analysis of new 40mm artillery working,design the new 40mm artillery barrel,the connecting member and so on. The new triple shooting artillery use a new breechblock which can traverse,filling Cased Telescoped Ammunition,trying to solve some problems by bold innovation.This design have a special breechblock which can load three bullet after only one move,by breechblock's movement to achieve triple shooting.This structure have the special require for barrel and breech . Analysing the known parameter to calculate barrel's pressure when you design, then check strength,choose material which haven known. Finally,complete the task requirements.

    Keywords  Triple  shooting  Cased  Telescoped  Ammunition  Barrel  Breech Check strength

    1 绪论 1

    2 40mm 三连发自动炮的总体设计 3

    2.1 40mm 三连发自动炮 3

    2.2 炮身设计 3

    3 身管设计 5

    3.1 外部尺寸设计 5

    3.2 膛线的设计 7

    3.3 强度校核 8

    4 炮尾的设计 14

    4.1 连接螺纹的设计 14

    4.2 炮尾本体的设计 14

    4.3 强度校核 16

    5 键的设计 20

    5.1 键的尺寸选取 20

    5.2 强度校核 20

    结论 21

    致谢 23

    参考文献 24


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