

        为了做好相关的设计要求,分析了国外的典型的弹底引信,并做了相应的归纳总结。在此基础上对105mm坦克炮弹引信的主要战术指标及性能要求进行了系统分析,确定了机械、机电两种引信设计方案。机械引信的隔爆机构采用了水平转子隔爆,保险机构采用后坐保险加上离心保险。做出了机械引信的部分零件图。引信的安全性符合GJB373A-1997《引信安全性设计准则》和GJB 573A-1998《引信环境与性能试验方法》的相关要求。

    毕业论文关键词  弹道安全  擦地炸  相容性设计  惯性发火  弹底引信  


    Title    Tank shells explode and wipe drug fuze ballistic safety compatibility design             

    Abstract  The design is suitable inertia and elastic bottom Ignition fuze, fuze goal is to target a higher trajectory safe and secure wiping fried function. The main distinction between the projectile design ideas through which foreign ballistic phase, so that the fuze firing mechanism produces structural changes, which take into account the safety and ballistic wipe fried sensitivity.

        In order to make the relevant design requirements, analysis of typical Base Fuze abroad, and made the corresponding summarized. On this basis, the main tactical indicators and performance requirements 105mm tank shells fuse on a systematic analysis to determine the mechanical, electrical fuse two designs. Mechanical fuze explosion proof mechanism using the horizontal rotor, after sitting Insurance Insurance agencies use plus centrifugal insurance. Made mechanical fuze some parts Fig. Fuze security compliance GJB373A-1997 "Fuze safety design guidelines" and GJB 573A-1998 "Fuze Environment and performance test method" requirements.

    Keywords  Ballistics Security  Brushing Exploding  Compatibility Design   Initiation of inertia  Base Fuze

    目   次

    1. 绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  引信设计的安全性考量 1

    1.3  惯性弹底引信的擦地炸 2

    1.4  设计过程中的主要研究重点 2

    1.5  国外典型惯性弹底引信 3

    1.6  归纳总结 8

    2 机械引信总体设计方案分析 10

    2.1 总体方案设计 10

    2.2 隔爆机构方案分析 10

    2.3 保险与解除保险机构方案分析 11

    2.4 惯性发火机构设计 12

    2.5 综合性能分析 17

    2.6 特点比对分析 19

    3 机电引信总体设计方案分析 21

    3.1 总体方案设计 21

    3.2 计时装置设计 22

    3.2 惯性电发火回路设计 24

    3.3 综合性能分析 25

    3.3 存在的问题

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