
    摘要现代战争会使用大量的精确制导弹药,然而其昂贵的价格加剧了战争对经济的消耗, 通过对传统炮弹引信进行改造,使之具备一定的二维弹道修正能力是一种行之有效的廉 价解决方案。为不破坏炮弹的气动外形,设计可折叠的引信翼片及其控制机构是二维弹 道修正弹的技术重点之一。69460

    首先本文在参考分析国内外各类二维弹道修正弹的发展和设计基础上,对二维弹道 修正弹的发展情况作了概述,对二维弹道修正弹中的关键技术进行了分析与探讨。

    其次,提出了二维弹道修正弹引信张开式翼片及其控制系统的总体方案,利用三维 设计软件设计了具体的翼片机构及其张开控制机构。对于主要的受力部件进行了强度校 核,对关键运动的可行性进行了分析,结果表明机构的运动可行,对实际的应用设计具 有一定的参考作用。

    最后利用 ANSYS 流体分析软件对引信翼片张开之后的二维弹道修正弹进行了空气动 力分析,研究了引信翼片在飞行过程中的受力情况及其对弹道的影响。为二维弹道修正 引信翼片的优化设计提供了一定的参考。

    毕业论文关键词 二维弹道修正 翼片张开机构 翼片设计 气动分析

    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

    Title Design of 2D guided projectile collapsible wings and control system


    More and more precision guided ammo is consumed in modern war,the high price of precision guided ammo limits it`s using scale.reforming the traditional cannonball to endue it ability of ballistic correcting is a reasonable way to reduce the high cost of guided ammo .

    First of all, this paper in reference to the analysis of all kinds of domestic and foreign two-dimensional trajectory correction projectile development on the basis of the design and that of two-dimensional trajectory correction projectile development are outlined, and the two-dimensional trajectory correction projectile key techniques are analyzed and discussed.

    Secondly, the paper proposes the two-dimensional trajectory correction fuze open wing plate and the control system of the overall plan and design the concrete wing plate mechanism and open control mechanism by using three-dimensional design software. For the main stress components of the strength check, the feasibility of key motion are analyzed. The results show that movement of the body is feasible, to have a certain reference for the practical design.

    The ANSYS fluid analysis software to open after the fuze wing of the two-dimensional trajectory correction projectile aerodynamic analysis, to study on the fuze wing in flight stress situation and influence of ballistic. For two-dimensional trajectory correction fuze fin optimization design provides a reference.

    Keywords 2D trajectory correction Wing opening mechanism Wing design Aerodynamic analysis

    1 引言 1

    1.1  研究背景与意义 1

    1.2  弹道修正技术的基本概念 2

    1.3 二维弹道修正弹的发展现状与关键技术 3

    1.4  本文研究的内容 6

    2  修正引信总体方案设计

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