
    摘要自动武器是以高温高压火药燃气为动力来发射弹丸的特殊机械 。设计狙击榴弹发射 器,将狙击枪、榴弹发射器概念相互融合,该狙击榴弹发射器发射器主要由机匣组件、 枪管组件、自动机组件、供弹机组件和枪管缓冲器组件组成。利用 CAD 和 SolidWorks 等 软件进行建模。狙击榴弹发射器采用大口径,高破坏力的弹药,后坐威力大。主要通过 减压缓冲的思想,利用膛口制退器,枪管后座等原理,可以使狙击榴弹发射器抵肩射击。 狙击榴弹发射器发射榴弹时,对敌有生目标和轻型装甲之类目标均可精确打击,在 800 米以内范围内既具备杀伤功能和具备破甲功能。69446

    毕业论文关键词 狙击榴弹发射器、减后座、膛口制退器

    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

    Title The new sniper grenade launcher design

    Abstract automatic weapons is in high temperature and high pressure powder gas as power to launch the projectile special machinery. Design sniper grenade launcher, sniper rifle, grenade launcher concept of mutual integration, the sniper grenade launcher mainly by casing assembly, barrel assembly, component automata, for texturing machine assembly and barrel buffer component composition. Using CAD and SolidWorks software modeling. Anti materiel rifle with large diameter, high destructive ammunition, recoil power. Mainly through the decompression buffer, the chamber mouth of retreating device, barrel recoil principle can shoulder firing the grenade launcher sniper. Sniper garnet Missile launcher, grenade launchers, and the enemy is life goals and light armor like objectives could be precision strike, within the range of 800 meters with killing function and has the function of armor.

    Keywords : Sniper grenade launcher, reducing recoil, muzzle muzzle brake

    本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页

    1 引言 1

    1.1 课题的理论意义和应用价值 1

    1.2 国内外发展趋势和研究概况 2

    1.3 本课题研究的主要内容 4

    2 方案设计 5

    2.1 战术技术指标 5

    2.2 具体设计方案 5

    2 . 3 半 自 动 结 构 方 案 8

    2.4 内弹道的计算 10

    2.5 枪管强度分析计算 14

    2.6 小结 16

    3 弹簧及膛口制退器的设计与计算 17

    3.1 枪机簧设计与计算 17

    3.2 枪管簧的设计与计算 19

    3.3 膛口制退器的设计与计算 20

    3.4 小结 24

    结论 25

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