
    摘要火炮身管的振动对于火炮射击精度的影响很大,而在炮口安装减振器可以减小其振 动。传统的减振器无法调节减振频率,不能适应不同固有频率的身管。本文设计了一种机 械式的频率可调式炮口减振器。 69398

    本文介绍了减振技术的分类、减振技术在火炮上的发展及应用,建立了身管及减振器 整个系统的简化模型。讨论了减振器的变频原理,并推导了针对不同固有频率的身管,减 振器的频率调节公式。设计了减振器方案和详细结构。利用 SolidWorks 软件对减振器进 行了三维实体建模,导入有限元分析软件 Abaqus 中进行动态仿真,仿真结果显示炮口竖 直方向最大位移减小 35%左右,验证了本文设计的减振器符合要求。最后制作了实物模型 并进行了减振实验,再次验证了减振器的减振性能。该减振器对实际工程应用具有一定参 考价值。 

    毕业论文关键词 炮口振动 动力吸振器 三维实体建模 有限元分析 频率可调 振动测试

    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

    Title Design  of  a  Gun  Muzzle  Vibration  Absorber  with  Variable Frequency 


    Gun barrel vibrations have a great influence on the firing accuracy, and the gun muzzle vibration absorber can reduce the muzzle vibration. The traditional vibration absorber cannot adjust the vibration frequency, and it cannot adapt to the gun barrels which have different natural frequencies. In this paper, a variable frequency gun muzzle vibration absorber has been designed. 

    The classification of vibration reduction technology and the development and application on the gun has been introduced in this paper. The simplified model of the system of the gun barrel and the vibration absorber has been established, the frequency adjustment principle of the vibration absorber has been introduced, and the formula to adjust the frequency of the vibration absorber for the gun barrels which have different natural frequencies has been derived. The project of the vibration absorber and its detailed structure has been designed. and The 3D solid modeling of the vibration absorber has been created with SolidWorks, then it has been simulated in Abaqus to verify the feasibility of the principle, and it can reduce the max vertical gun muzzle  displacement by 35%. Finally,the model has been manufactured and tested, and its vibration reduction has been verified again. The vibration absorber has some reference value to the practical engineering application. 

    Keywords Muzzle  vibration  Dynamic  vibration  absorber Three-dimensional solid modeling  Finite element analysis  Frequency adjustment  Vibration test 

    本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页

    1  绪论  1 

    1.1  选题背景和研究意义 .. 1 

    1.2  动力吸振器的研究现状  1 

    1.3  炮口减振的研究现状 .. 2 

    1.4  本文的研究内容  4 

    2  减振器变频原理及结构设计方案  6 

    2.1  动力吸振器理论  6 

    2.2  身管的等效简化  7 

    2.3  减振器的变频减振原理  8 

    2.4  减振器的结构方案设计  8 

    2.5  减振器的关键部件参数确定 . 11 

    2.6  本章小结 .. 12 

    3  减振器三维实体建模  14 

    3.1  三维建模软件 . 14 

    3.2  连接装置三维模型  14 

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