

    毕业论文关键词  汽车  制动系统  计算机辅助设计  行驶安全


    Title  The design of a car brake system and its major



    Nowadays, the car has entered the homes, and it has been the indispensable transportation we need for traveling. This makes higher requests for cars on controllability, driving comfort, etc. So brake system which keeps driving safely should be taken into account in the first place. At first, this paper analyzes the vehicle parameters, and chooses the appropriate form of brakes, brake drive mechanism and braking pipeline system with national standards and industry standards according to its parameters. Then I analyzed and computed the braking force distribution coefficient and of the braking system. Finally I determined the structural parameters of the main components of brake. After proofreading and calculation, this design meet the national standards and industry standards. This paper also gives the design of major parts of the brake system with CAD 3D models, including parts drawing of components and final assembly drawing. 

    Keywords  Car   Brake System   Computer Aided Design   Driving Safety

    目  次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 汽车制动器设计的意义 1

    1.2 汽车制动器发展现状及发展展望 1

    1.3 汽车制动器设计的目标及要求 2

    1.4 本次设计的设计流程图 2

    2 制动系统方案选型 3

    2.1 汽车制动系统的一般工作原理 3

    2.2 制动器形式方案分析 3

    2.2.1 盘式制动器 3

    2.2.2 鼓式制动器 4

    2.2.3 制动器形式选择 5

    2.3 制动驱动机构的结构形式 5

    2.3.1 人力制动系统 6

    2.3.2 伺服制动系统 6

    2.3.3 动力制动系统 6


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