
    摘要火箭炮方向机减速箱是方向机的重要组成部分,为方向机的正常运行提供保障,但 由于减速箱存在加工误差、装配精度和动力特性等各方面问题,对火箭炮调炮速度和精 度具有很大影响。因此需要对减速箱进行动力性能测试,以检验其是否满足工作要求。69546

    本设计以某火箭炮方向机减速箱为试验对象,设计了相应的动力性能试验台。考虑 到减速箱输出端齿轮位于竖直方向,不利于测量,设计了一个位于减速箱下方的齿轮转 换箱,同时对驱动装置、测控装置、加载装置和连接装置进行了选择设计,进而构建了 整个动力性能试验台。该试验台能够实现各种加载模式下对减速器传动效率、极限承载 能力、启动力矩、振动和温升的测量。

    毕业论文关键词 火箭炮 方向机 减速箱 动力性能测试

    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

    Title The design of the test-bed for dynamic performance of a reduction gearbox of traversing mechanism


    The reduction gearbox is an important constituent part of a rocker launcher’s

    traversing mechanism .It is equipped for the normal operation of the steering.On account of problems such as the machining errors, the assembly accuracy or the dynamic property existing in the gear-driving reduction gearbox, the speed and the precision of the launcher’s adjustment will be influenced a lot. Thus it’s necessary to test the dynamic performance of the gearbox, accordingly, drawing a conclusion whether it satisfies operating requirements.

    The object of the test is the reduction gearbox of a rocket launcher’s traversing mechanism. There is a corresponding test bed for the dynamic performance. Considering that the output end of the gearbox is located vertically, which is not convenient for measurements, a gear transfer trunk is designed under the gearbox. Meanwhile, the actuating device, measuring and control device, loading device and connecting device are all well-selected, and finally the whole dynamic performance test bed is constructed. The test bed can be used to measure the reducer’s performance including the transmission efficiency, the ultimate bearing capacity, the starting torque, the vibration and the temperature rising In different loading modes.

    Keywords rocket launcher traversing mechanism reduction gearbox dynamic performance test

    本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 减速器传动试验研究现状 1

    1.3 本设计的研究内容 2

    2 减速箱动力性能试验台总体设计 3

    2.1 试验台功能 3

    2.2 试验台的组成 3

    2.3 试验台的主要测试项目 4

    3 减速箱试验台结构设计 7

    3.1 试验台的结构组成 7

    3.2 试验设备的选择 7

    3.3 齿轮转换箱设计 9

    3.3.1 传动原理设计 9

    3.3.2 齿轮设计 9

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