
    摘要超轻型大口径牵引式火炮具有机动能力强,地形适应性好,价格相对低廉等优点。超 轻型火炮目前面临的主要问题是由于火炮自身重量的减少导致火炮的射击稳定性难以保 证。因此,如何将对火炮进行“瘦身“并保证射击稳定性成为超轻型火炮的研制的重点与 难点。本文的主要研究内容有:69468

    ⒈ 超轻型火炮总体结构设计 基于火炮设计理论与轻量化设计技术,综合使用轻型火炮各项关键技术,确定火炮架体总体设计方案,并使用三维绘图软件建立了火炮三维实体模型。

    ⒉ 火炮射击稳定性分析 首先使用经典力学理论建立火炮射击时的力学模型,推导出火炮后坐与复进稳定性条件。然后利用 Adams 对火炮射击过程进行了仿真计算,根据仿真结果综合评价了各项参数 对稳定性的影响。

    ⒊ 摇架的静力学有限元分析

    利用 ABAQUS 建立了摇架的静力学有限元模型,对摇架的刚强度进行了分析,并根据 计算结果对摇架结构进行了必要的改进与优化。

    毕业论文关键词 超轻型火炮 射击稳定性 动力学分析 有限元

    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

    Title: General structure design and analysis of ultra   lightweight artillery


    Ultra lightweight large caliber towed artillery has the advantages of strong maneuverability, good terrain adaptability and low price.At present, the main problem facing the super lightweight artillery is that it is difficult to guarantee the firing stability because of the decrease of the weight of the artillery. Therefore, how to carry out the "downsizing" of the artillery and ensure the stability of firing becomes the focus and difficulty of the development of ultra light artillery. The main research contents of this paper are:

    ⒈ The ultra lightweight 122 mm howitzer general structure design

    Based on the theory of gun design and lightweight design technology,The key technologies of t light artillery,. The overall design scheme of the gun frame is determined, and the 3D solid model is built by using the 3D drawing software.

    ⒉ Analysis of the firing stability

    First, using the classic mechanics theory, we establish the firing of mechanical model, push derived recoil and stability conditions. T Then, using Adams to simulate the process of gun firing, the effect of various parameters on the stability is evaluated synthetically according to the simulation results.

    ⒊ Static finite element analysis of cradle

    The static finite element model of the cradle is established by using ABAQUS, and the stiffness of the cradle is analyzed, and the necessary improvement and optimization are made according to the calculation results.

    Keywords Ultra lightweight howitzer, firing stability, kinetic analysis, finite element analysis

    1 绪论 3

    1.1 选题的背景及意义 3

    1.2 轻型火炮发展历程 4

    1.3 超轻型火炮关键技术及其研究现状 5

    1.4 本章小结 7


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