
    摘要本文主要研究基于电磁直线作动器下电动赛车主动悬架的减振特性和发电特性的分 析。首先对主动悬架的方案进行了设计,之后建立了电动赛车的 ADAMS 模型。然后建立 电磁直线作动器和电动赛车联合仿真为下一步电动赛车主动悬架的减振特性和发电特性 的分析提供依据。最后完成对基于电磁直线作动器下主动悬架的减振特性和发电特性分 析。基于电磁直线作动器的主动悬架是采用现成的直线电机作为力发生器,产生主动悬 架所需要的控制力,使汽车车身处于最佳的减振状态。随着汽车保有量的增加,乘员对 乘坐舒适性的要求也越来越高,所以悬架的性能也应该被改善。69476

    毕业论文关键词 主动悬架 电磁直线作动器 减振特性 发电特性

    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

    Title Investigation of damping Characteristics and power generation based Upon electromagnetic linear actuator in vehicle active suspension


    In this paper, based on analysis of vibration characteristics and power generation characteristics of the electromagnetic linear actuator of the electric car Active Suspension.At First, the program was designed active suspension, next establishing electric car ADAMS model. Then create an electromagnetic linear actuator and electric car joint simulation for the analysis of the next electric car active suspension damping characteristics and provide the basis for power generation characteristics.Finally, to complete the analysis based on the damping characteristics and power generation characteristics of the electromagnetic linear actuator active suspension.Based on Electromagnetic Linear Actuator active suspension is the use of ready-made linear motor as a power generator that generates active suspension control required, making the car body in an optimal state of damping .With the increase in car ownership, the occupant of the comfort requirements are also getting higher and higher, the performance suspension should also be improved.

    Keywords Active Suspension Electromagnetic linear actuator Damping characteristics Power generation characteristics

    本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景 1

    1.2 主动悬架研究的现状 1

    1.3 本课题研究的内容 2

    1.4 本课题研究的目的和意义 3

    1.5 本章小结 3

    2 基于电磁直线作动器的主动悬架简介 4

    2.1 电磁直线作动器 4

    2.2 基于电磁直线作动器的主动悬架 4

    2.3 本章小节 5

    3 主动悬架方案的设计 6

    3.1 对赛车主动悬架的设计要求

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