
    摘要定向器作为火箭发射系统的主要组成部件之一,它的作用不仅在于发射前承载、固 定火箭弹,发射时点燃火箭发动机,而且更重要的还在于它赋予火箭弹起始运动方向和 合适的离轨时的运行速度和转速,因而它是火箭发射系统影响火箭射击密集度的一个很 重要的部件。本文以某口径火箭弹为技术参照,对定向器的定向管、闭锁机构和挡弹机 构进行了设计,并在设计的基础上对定向管、闭锁体以及挡弹杠杆进行了刚强度校核。 此外,还对如何减少火箭弹的初始扰动做了些许研究。69463

    在定向器各部件的设计上,采用 Solid works 作为三维建模软件,完成定向器模型的 设计装配;针对定向管、闭锁体以及挡弹杠杆的刚强度分析,采用有限元软件 Abaqus 中 的静力分析和校核公式相结合的方法,对模型进行强度校核;针对定向器不同安装位置 对火箭弹初始扰动的影响,采用 Adams 进行运动学仿真,在刚性接触的情况下,获取不 同位置的各个方向的角加速度,比较得到使火箭弹扰动最小的安装位置。

    毕业论文关键词 定向管 闭锁机构 挡弹机构 三维建模 有限元分析 强度校核 运动学仿真

    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

    Title The Design and Mechanical Analysis of Spiral Guide trough Orienter


    As the one of the main components of a rocket launch system , orienter plays a role not only in pre-launch carrier , fixed rockets, rocket engines ignited during launch , but also that it gives the initial direction of motion of rockets and right away speed rail operating speed and time , so it is a rocket launch system affect a very important component of rocket fire intensity .Taking a caliber rockets for technical reference,this article designs for directional tube, locking mechanism and stop playing mechanism of directional control, moreover, it checks the gang strength of directional tube, directional tube latch body and stop playing the leverage.In addition, this article also does a little research in how to reduce the initial disturbance rockets.

    On design of various director ’ s components, using a Solid works as three-dimensional modeling software to complete the design of the assembly oriented model; for analysis of directional tube, locking body strength and stop playing the leverage, using the finite element software Abaqus hydrostatic analysis and methods of combining display, finite element analysis model; for impact of different installation position directional control on the initial disturbance rockets, kinematics simulation, using Adams in the case of rigid contact to access different positions in all directions angular acceleration, which may help to get relatively minimal disturbance rocket installation location.

    Keywords  Directional tube  Latching mechanism  Three-dimensional modeling Stop Mechanism    Finite Element Analysis  Strength Check  Kinematics

    本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 论文选题背景 1

    1.2 国内外发展现状 1

    1.3 论文主要工作 2

    2 定向器整体设计及定向管设计计算 3


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