

    毕业论文关键词   数控车床;传动系统;丝杆螺纹:导轨


       Along with the progress of the era of the development of industry, the industry also in unceasing development, constantly updated. From the old machine tools, to now have updated into numerical control machine tool, in the numerical control machine has two kinds of CNC lathes and machining centers. When I do the project of CNC  lathe design of feed system . In the numerical control lathe system of tool feed system will be along the two directions, one is the axial Y direction, the other one is the radial is the X direction. CNC machine tool is a composed of different components of a system, is an electromechanical integration equipment. It referred to as CNC numerical control lathe, known as the implementation of a digital computer control, don't need manual operation, only in front of the computer. Write the corresponding program, then type CNC depot. It will fully automatic produce artifacts we want. And in the numerical control lathe is made up of different parts of one of them is also the important one is the servo machining system. Then the servo motor, responsible for the transmission of the screw nut and so on. The design of CNC machine tool feed system, so you need to make sure the use of servo motor, and then the drive the design of the screw nut, workplace is on the whole an important part of the machining accuracy of CNC lathe, and then is the design of the guide rail, the time about the entire numerical control machine tool processing load and friction.










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