
    摘要为提高固体火箭发动机的装药量,除提高装填密度外,提高推进剂本身 的密度也是非常重要的。然而推进剂的密度与组元密度密切相关,特别是复合推 进剂中的固体组元如氧化剂颗粒影响非常大。目前大多采用多级颗粒掺混的办法 来提高推进剂的密度。掺混颗粒的大小、体积分数和级配的颗粒级数等等,均会 影响推进剂的密度。关于颗粒级配问题的研究发现大小不同的颗粒体积分数之和 为1时(还需要确定颗粒的最佳级数、颗粒的粒径比及体积分数比)共混,可使得 级配后的固体推进剂密度最大。68400

    毕业论文关键词 固体推进剂 颗粒级配 球体堆积 Visual Basic

    Title Application of Multistage Particle Gradation and Density Prediction in Solid Propellant System




    In order to improve the charge of the solid rocket engine ,it is very important to improve propellant density in addition to the increase of packing density. However, the density of propellant are closely related with the density of component .In particular ,solid components such as oxidizer particles of the composite propellant have great influence. At present ,the most common way to improve the propellant density is mixing multistage particle. The size ,volume fraction and gradation of particles will affect the propellant density. This paper is to find out the optimum particle size distribution ,it means that summation of particle volume fraction is 1 (the optimum gradation number ,the ratio of particle size and volume fraction are also needed) to ensure that solid propellant density become maximum.




    Keywords: Solid propellant Particle size distribution Sphere packing Visual Basic

    1 引言 1

    1.1 颗粒级配的研究背景与意义 1

    1.2 颗粒级配的研究现状与发展趋势 3

    2 单级配模型 6

    2.1 理想均一球形颗粒规则堆积 6

    2.2 理想均一球形颗粒任意堆积 9

    3 双级配模型 13

    3.1 双组分球形颗粒规则堆积 13

    3.2 双组分球形颗粒任意堆积 16

    4 Visual Basic  编程求解双级配模型 18

    4.1 编程求解双级配模型的程序设计 18

    4.2 编程求解双级配模型的计算结果分析 19

    4.3 双级配模型在固体推进剂生产中的应用 21

    5 三级配模型 24

    5.1 三组分球形颗粒规则堆积 24


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