    本课题主要是对引信起爆电路中使用的晶闸管拟设计一套自动测试系统。对晶闸管的触发条件、文持电流和伏安特性进行测试,提高晶闸管元件的筛选和检测效率。测试系统由上位机和下位机两部分组成。其中下位机由测试电路、串口通信电路以及C8051F410单片机电路等构成。单片机是硬件电路的核心,它主要负责对测试电路的控制和对测试数据的传输、存储。下位机软件采用C语言编写,实现对晶闸管的触发条件和触发之后晶闸管的电流信号、电压信号的采集及处理;上位机软件采用Visual Basic编写操作界面,通过串口通信电路与单片机进行通信,实现对单片机下发指令、采集信号、处理信号、存储信号和显示等功能。19043
    关键词 晶闸管  自动测试系统   引信  触发条件 伏安特性    单片机  VB
    Title  Thyristor parametric test system design and development
    Thyristor is commonly used in the fuze circuit switching elements, and strictly control the parameters of the thyristor level for research and production of the fuze has a very important significance.
    The main topic is the thyristor fuzing circuit design intended for use in an automated test system. Thyristor trigger conditions, to maintain current and voltage characteristics for testing, screening and testing to improve the efficiency of the thyristor element. Test system consists of upper and lower machine composed of two parts. Which consists of lower machine test circuit, serial communication circuit and C8051F410 microcontroller circuit. SCM is the core of the hardware circuit, which is mainly responsible for the control and test circuit to test data transmission, storage. Lower machine software using C language to realize the thyristor trigger conditions and after the trigger acquisition and processing current signals, voltage signal of the thyristor; PC software using Visual Basic to write the user interface, communication via serial communication circuit and SCM, to achieve the SCM issued the command, signal acquisition, signal processing, storing signals and other display functions.
    Keywords Thyristor      Automatic Test System      Fuse   Triggering conditions    Voltage characteristics    SCM   VB 
    目  次                                         
    1 绪论    1
    1.1  晶闸管的研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外的研究情况    1
    1.3 本文工作安排    4
    2 晶闸管测试系统总体设计    5
    2.1测试系统总体构成    5
    2.2 测试原理与方法    6
    2.3 下位机设计方案    6
    2.4上位机设计方案    7
    3 下位机系统设计    9
    3.1  硬件设计    9
    3.2  软件设计    17
    3.3本章小结:    20
    4  上位机系统设计    21
    4.1初始化模块    21
    4.2 数据处理模块    22
    4.3 本章小结    26
    5.测试系统数据分析    27
    5.1下位机电路调试    27
    5.2上位机软件测试实验    27
    5.3 本章小结    29
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