    关键词  固体助推火箭发动机 总体设计 内弹道 计算机编程
    Title   227mm solid rocket booster engine design
    This topic demands to design a solid rocket booster engine,tasks are given in the engine diameter,total impulse,working temperature and the working time and the requirements of the engine quality. According to the task book requirements and the function of the engine,firstly,system design,a design of engine’s structures,materials and working states.Then according to the parameters of the system design to design the engine charge.After the completion of engine charge designing,you can calculate interior ballistics performance,using zero dimensional interior ballistic equations.Calculation of the interior ballistic performance is the key
    to design,is also the yardstick of design level during the middle stage,and the priority among priorities. According to the calculation of the interior ballistic performance,to adjust the design parameters to reasonable values,until the ballistic performance better.After the completion of internal ballistic calculation,we can design the structures and draw the engineering graphics,it is nothing difficult.Design massively uses the computer programming to improve the efficiency of design.
     Keywords  solid rocket engine,system design,interior ballistics,
              computer programming
               目   次  (4号黑体,居中)
    1  引言 1
    1.2固体火箭发动机结构简介 1
    1.3固体火箭发动机特点简介 2
    1.4本设计之任务与内容   3
    2  总体设计 5
    2.1固体火箭发动机结构总体设计 5
    2.2固体火箭发动机材料的选择 6
    2.3固体火箭发动机推进剂的选择 7
    2.4 固体火箭发动机工作压力的选择 8
    2. 5 固体火箭发动机喷管扩张比的选择  13
    2. 6 固体火箭发动机实际性能参数估算  21
    2. 7 固体火箭发动机基本参量估算22
    2. 8 本章总结23
    3  固体火箭发动机装药设计  24
    3. 1 装药几何参量 24
    3. 2 计算装药外径 24
    3. 3 选取过度圆弧半r 24
    3. 4 选取星根圆弧半径 25
    3. 5 计算特征长度 25
    3. 6 星角数、角分数、星根半角的综合选取25
    3. 7 本章总结33
    4  固体火箭发动机内弹道计算 35
    4. 1 零文内弹道计算过程 35
    4. 2 零文内弹道计算程序 35
    4. 3 本章总结48
    5  燃烧室、喷管以及碟形连接底的设计 49
    5. 1 燃烧室设计简介 49
    5. 2 喷管设计简介 50
    5. 3 碟形连接底设计简介 52
    5. 4燃烧室、喷管以及连接底结构参数综合设计程序 50
    5. 5 本章总结60
    6  电火具的选取 61
    6. 1 点火装置类型的选择 61
    6. 2 发火管的选择 61
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