    关键词  火箭炮底架 结构优化 拓扑优化 几何体重构
    Title   Launch system chassis structure   optimization and geometry reconstruction                                              
    On the basis of structural optimization in HyperWorks, we do a research for study with a rocket chassis and analyses the basic methods of the design of structural optimization. This article mainly analyses and studies the process of structural topology optimization, and works out the attributes and characteristics of optimization results file, in order to understand the process of running its optimization program more deeply. At the same time, in the case of the optimization results obtained, we need export the result for further analysis. However, due to that the optimization results are established on some constraints to calculate, the surfaces after optimization are extremely complex. Additionally,the model exported from HyperWorks is linked by a large number of Sheet bodies that are not seamless linked, so there are more or less cracks and defects. To solve this problem, we need to re-design the structure on the original optimization results. To sum up, this article mainly discusses the structural optimization techniques and the method of geometry reconstruction.
    Keywords  rocket chassis, structural optimization, topology optimization, geometry reconstruction
    1  绪论    2
    1.1  研究背景    2
    1.2  研究目的和意义    3
    1.3  国内外研究现状及发展情况    4
    1.4  本文主要研究内容    5
    2  有限元法及基本思想    5
    3  结构优化设计理论基础    8
    3.1  优化设计基本构成    9
    3.2  OptiStuct迭代算法    10
    3.3  灵敏度分析    11
    3.4  近似模型拟合    11
    4  Altair OptiStruct 结构优化技术    12
    4.1  拓扑优化    12
    4.2  形貌优化    13
    4.3  尺寸优化    13
    4.4  形状优化    13
    5  优化结果属性及特点    13
    5.1  OptiStruct优化的过程    14
    5.2  优化结果文件类型    14
    5.3  火箭炮底架的优化结果属性    16
    6  几何体重构    27
    6.1  软件导入导出    27
    6.2  结构重构    35
    结 论    42
    致 谢    44
    参考文献    45

    1  绪论
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