     Design of Fixed Tube-sheet Heat Exchanger
    Abstract: The fixed tube-sheet heat exchanger is a kind of tube heat exchanger which is widely used as heat exchanger equipment in refrigeration. Two types of temperature difference liquid can have heat exchanging by used this device to achieve to reduce the temperature, which can guarantee can the guarantee next process unit's normal operation. This design researches fixed tube-sheet heat exchanger refrigeration system, through the blue print to determine the physical parameters of materials, then, combining with the working conditions, select the form of heat exchanger, what’s more, according to tasks to complete process parameters such as the heat exchange capacity, the total heat transfer coefficient, heat transfer area, at the same time, adjust accounts of the device. It calculates and selects bowl, tube channels, heads, tube sheets, flanges, baffles, supports, and ancillary equipments, moreover, does the necessary verification. The last work is drawing.
    Key words: Fixed tube-sheet, heat exchanger, technological design
    1绪论    1
    1.1换热器的行业状况    1
    1.2换热器的发展    1
    1.3换热器的前景    2
    2换热器的分类特点    4
    2.1换热器的分类及特点    5
    2.1.1直接接触式换热器    5
    2.1.2蓄热式换热器    6
    2.1.3间壁式换热器    6
    2.1.4中间载热体式换热器    6
    2.2间壁式换热器分类:    6
    2.2.1管式换热器    6
    2.2.2板面式换热器    6
    2.2.3其他型式换热器    7
    2.3管壳式换热器的分类及特点    7
    2.3.1固定管板式换热器    7
    2.3.2U型管换热器    7
    2.3.3浮头式换热器    7
    2.3.4填料函式换热器    7
    2.4本次固定管板换热器设计简介    7
    2.5研究的目的和意义    8
    3换热器设计方案确定    9
    3.1本次的设计要求    9
    3.2确定设计方案    9
    3.2.1流程安排    9
    3.2.2换热器的类型设计    9
    3.3完成设计所具备的工作条件及解决办法    9
    3.4本章小结    10
    4研究步骤、方法及设计产品的确定    11
    4.1原始数据    11
    4.2流体的物性参数    11
    4.3传热量及平均温差    12
    4.4估算传热面积及传热面结构    12
    4.5管程计算    16
    4.6壳程结构及壳程计算    18
    4.7需用传热面积    20
    4.8阻力计算    21
    5固定管板换热器零部件的工艺结构设计    24
    5.1接管    24
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