    关键词: 环锤式破碎机;箱体;改进
    Abstract: Ring hammer crusher hammer through the high-speed rotation of the collision crushed material and the material, which has a simple structure, large crushing ratio, producing higher performance characteristics, can be used for dry and wet crushing two ways, ring hammer crusher used in mining, cement, coal, metallurgy, building materials, roads, fuel and other departments for medium hardness and brittleness of the material for crushing. Ring hammer crusher can change based on user requirements grate gap, adjust the particle size to meet the different requirements of different customers. In this paper, based on the traditional box ring hammer crusher design a better ring hammer crusher chassis structure, focusing on the structure of the ring hammer crusher chassis body, and after school on the strength of the key parts of parts nuclear structure calculations to improve the overall ring hammer crusher, crusher and analyze strengths and weaknesses and the scope of its use, and then construct the ring hammer crusher improved design, which can be reduced to shorten the entire product development cycle, improve the reliability of the product, and finally the entire ring hammer crusher operation, installation and maintenance carried out with the use of specific instructions.
    Keywords: Ring hammer crusher; Case;Improve
    1 绪论
      1.1 环锤式破碎机的介绍3
      1.2 环锤式破碎机的分类4
      1.3 环锤式破碎机的优缺点4
    1.3.1 环锤式破碎机的优点4
    1.3.2 环锤式破碎机的缺点4
    1.3.3 环锤式破碎机的751大优势5
      1.4 环锤式破碎机的研究目的和意义5
    1.4.1 环锤式破碎机的研究目的6
    1.4.2 环锤式破碎机的研究意义6
      1.5 环锤式破碎机破碎过程实质6
      1.6 环锤式破碎机的发展6
      1.7 环锤式破碎机的主要用途及使用范围7
    2 设计
      2.1 设计内容9
        2.1.1 机架设计9
      2.2 环锤式破碎机的工作原理10
      2.3 环锤式破碎机的规格及型号10
      2.4 国内外环锤式破碎机的差异10
    2.4.1 国内外环锤式破碎机的技术差异10
    2.4.2 国内外环锤式破碎机主要差别11
      2.5 环锤式破碎机的未来发展11
    3 主要参数及计算
      3.1 基本结构参数13
    3.1.1 生产能力13
    3.1.2 电动机功率计算14
    3.1.3 转子转速15
    3.1.4 基本结构尺寸及特性15
      3.2 传动方案选择16
      3.3 机架设计18
    3.3.1 箱体结构设计18
    3.3.2 焊接箱体19
    3.3.3 焊接材料19
    ,   3.3.4 焊接方法19
    4 主要零件结构设计
      4.1 结构设计21
    4.1.1 箱体结构设计21
      4.2 衬板设计21
    4.2.1 衬板的设计21
    4.2.2 衬板材料选择22
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